Can someone point me in the direction of the medals and gun objectives for R6 . I keep looking and can't find it . Sorry new to the site! Thanks!
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Discuss the Rainbow 6 Franchise here
Can someone point me in the direction of the medals and gun objectives for R6 . I keep looking and can't find it . Sorry new to the site! Thanks!
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You cant find it as its simply not there man,Gemini is working on them currently through discussion and in game testing also I believe.Rainbow is still hugely in its growth stages and therefore work on awards etc should be expected to take a bit of time.
Bailiff3205 (January 21st, 2016)
Hey ]Bailiff3205! Gemini will get you set up with a marksman page soon. Here is what you need to work on right away to lose that that Pink tag.
Rainbow Six Recruits Please Read!First off welcome to Victor Company!
If you are reading this then you have started your recruitment period and are on your way to full membership. There are however a few things that you will need to accomplish in order ot become a full members that holds a roster spot. You may however choose to be a casual member, but you will not hold a spot on the company roster. The requirements to complete your recruitment are as follows.
1. Make a minimum of 25 posts on the forums
2. Complete your marksman badge (requirements posted below)
Both of these requirements must be completed in 2 weeks time. If you are unsure when your 2 weeks will be up you can check here on the Victor Compnay Recruits thread. The process date is the last day of your recruitment period in which we will check your post count and and award your marksman badge and DOGG ribbon as long as they have been completed.
For all recruits and members wishing to complete their marksman these are the requirements that have been set in order to achieve it.
Terrorist Hunt
1. Choice of operator and weapon
2. Must win 10 matches on normal mode
3. Must have atleast 5 kills with zero deaths
4. Must be paired off with a Full CAG Member to confirm the games
5. Must provide image if possible
1. Win 5 matches of Multiplayer
2. Have atleast 3 kills with no more than 1 death
The Multiplayer requirements also must have at least one Full CAG Member in the lobby with you. The photo is not required but is appreciated if at all possible to provide it. If the picture is not possible it is imperative the member in your party confirm the validity of the game and your kills/deaths.
When posting your marksman there is a format that will be used for posting the games to be confirmed.
Start a new thread
This thread is where you will post all of your games for confirmation. You do not need multiple threads. Just the one will do. Just make new posts within your thread. Multiple games may be posted in the same post to make posting easier. here is an example for how your post should look
CAG Gemini328 Marksman - (example thread title)
Game 1 - (game number for keeping track of the 10 games that will be posted)
1/3/16 - (date the game was played)
Terrorist Hunt - (game mode that was played)
University - (Map that the game was played on)
11 - 0 - (kills and deaths for the round)
CAG JB, CAG SACRILEGE - (member and or members that were in the game with you that can confirm your game)
If there are any questions at all about the requirements for the marksman or how to post them DO NOT hesitate to ask them. There are plenty of people here that are more than willing to help you out.
Just Win Baby!
Bailiff3205 (January 21st, 2016)
Just Win Baby!
Bailiff3205 (January 21st, 2016)
Chet Norris (January 21st, 2016)
He's already in Alpha and has his marksmen
Ideals are peaceful, History is violent
CAG JB (January 21st, 2016),Tastylemons (January 22nd, 2016)
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