Bought siege. If it sucks rainy has agreed to be haunted by me in the event of my untimely death.
Discuss the Rainbow 6 Franchise here
Bought siege. If it sucks rainy has agreed to be haunted by me in the event of my untimely death.
"I once had to beat a man to death with his own shoes..."
CAG JB (January 16th, 2016),CAG SACRILEGE (January 16th, 2016)
Tastylemons (January 16th, 2016)
Tastylemons (January 16th, 2016)
CAG JB (January 16th, 2016),Tastylemons (January 16th, 2016)
So how many people are playing R6S right now. Is there a full squad or squads that play this regularly? I will only play this game with a full squad.
I play but it's a game I like playing with other CAG members
Ideals are peaceful, History is violent
CAG CheechDogg (January 16th, 2016)
I am not asking about right at this moment. I am asking about the full roster who play the game. Is there ever a full squad?
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