I missed my wrestling tournament and most likely am going to get bullringed on Monday. Someone help me...
If they stand up, put them back down.
Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4. Company Commander: Randuken
I missed my wrestling tournament and most likely am going to get bullringed on Monday. Someone help me...
If they stand up, put them back down.
Sorry. Its a wrestling term. Its when everyone stands in a circle with you in the middle. Everyone wrestles you one by one until you take them down and get control. The big guys go first to pretty much ensure you dont. By the time it gets to people you CAN takedown someone, you are exhausted. Even the jacked as hell coaches jump in and they all use moves that hurt. A lot.
If they stand up, put them back down.
CAG CheechDogg (January 16th, 2016),CAG SACRILEGE (January 16th, 2016)
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