Anybody planing on taking full advantage of the double crypto weekend? My goal is to play my butt off and save all my keys till they pull the patch. I'm curious to see how many can be earned in a full on weekend of playing.
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Anybody planing on taking full advantage of the double crypto weekend? My goal is to play my butt off and save all my keys till they pull the patch. I'm curious to see how many can be earned in a full on weekend of playing.
GypsyOutlaw (January 15th, 2016),SoulSeeker1972 (January 15th, 2016)
I played the shit out of blops3 yesterday and thursday. I got a ton of cryptos but got nothing out of them. I might do what you are doing and save them.
What is the patch supposed to do in terms of the cryptos.
Yea we got room
They probably made it so that you don't get much this weekend. I would save up and use them later.
If they stand up, put them back down.
Had a blast this weekend. Big thanks to everyone who ran groups and helped out! Had some kick ass games especially when The Natural ET had us running circles on the map screwing the other team up. Earned about 250ish crypto even with the little bit of game time I was able to get in.
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