Thought I would share this.
I smoked since I was very very young. Like first cigarette around 11, but was caught and beat/forced to smoke a pack.
I really started around 14 and smoked the majority of the time up to about 34/35. Everything from a few a day to a pack and a half a day.
I have been a non-smoker for a few years now. Around 5 or 6 now I can't recall as my memory is shite. I quit once cold turkey. Terrible way to go.
I quit this last time using hypno-therapy. It's not what you think. There was no sedation or putting me under some spell.
The first session had no hypnosis. It was more of a therapy session in that we discussed why I like smoking, and why I didn't, in depth. He explained the process and how it works. You have to actually want to quit. Really want it. Hypnosis is not magic.
I know the power of the mind. Studying Shaolin Kung Fu and the monks, you learn what you can do. So, I knew...KNEW...that I could quit with this method.
The second session was hypnosis. But not fall asleep hypnosis. The way he explained it was; "when you started smoking it wasn't immediate pleasure, you had to convince your mind that this coughing and choking on smoke was gonna be ok. It will get better. We are doing the same thing in reverse using hypnosis. Telling your mind that you don't want to smoke and that it will get better. I was awake and cognitive the whole time.
He sent me home with a CD to listen to that had the same suggestive phrases on it. I would come home and listen to it as I napped after work.
To this day, 5 years later, I haven't had a single smoke. No cravings. Nothing. I even recall on 2 occasions turning down a cigarette in my dreams. It was that strong. I often laugh because I can here this guy telling me to say it over and over again. "I am a non smoker".
It cost me $250 for the hypnosis. Since then I estimate saving at least $9,000. That's conservative at $150 a month. Really I think it's closer to $12,000.
So, if you really want to quit, this really is an option that worked for me.
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