I'm unable to find a way to display the cagr tag in R6. If I'm missing something please let me know.
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It ain't possible to do so on Rainbow although I have read that Ubisoft are looking to possibly bring this to siege
CAG SACRILEGE (January 7th, 2016)
CAG SACRILEGE (January 7th, 2016)
I could of sworn that I saw the option to add clan tag at some specific level .... hmmmm
Personally id like to see them add the clan tag feature so people know who their up against when playing against CAG.
The tag speaks for itself leaps and bounds in other games like CoD and battlefield.People either avoid the guys that carry the tag,bitch about us whooping ass or end up joining us.So inevitably the tags great for reputation and recruitment although id like to seem them fix the few little bugs that the game has first ie the synchronising bug after a game.
CAG SACRILEGE (January 8th, 2016)
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