Sorry to piggy back your thread here JB...but how is Seige? I've not played anything much at all of late and am curious to see how Seige compares to R6 of old...
Lieutenant Colonel - CAG Archangel
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Discuss the Rainbow 6 Franchise here
CAG JB (January 25th, 2016)
Lol I dont mind the"piggy back" arch,different conversation keeps discussion flowing.
Iv been playing Siege pretty consistently since release.I received two free codes when I bought the game,one for Vegas and another for Vegas 2.Previous to this I hadn't played either so on an night a few weeks ago I downloaded Vegas 2 and started playing through the story and aside from the difference in the graphics between 360 and the 1 you can see what the developers where reaching towards with each game.
Siege tops this and shows that the developers took a step towards advancement from Vegas 2 although there is no campaign present.What this game lacks in campaign it makes up for in its multiplayer.Still a few bugs but with each update it knocks a bug off the list and doesn't seem to add any others.The game had a rock solid core to begin with and one can see that they are out to improve with each update.
My opinion with the game is that it was well worth the money that i shelled out for it,its immersive,its suspenseful when your the last man standing (had quite a few moments where my heart was thumping) and really satisfying when you group with a squad.
I can't speak for anyone else about the game but I will definitely be playing it when others have thrown it to one side in the corner gathering dust.
CAG Archangel (January 26th, 2016)
Yah like jb said it really shows that they want this game to last and they acknowledge the potential it has. They are actually fixing the issues at hand instead of fully focusing on Dlc instead of the base game.
It has great competitive base to it as well. It is gaining ground on the major league circuit but nothing as much as cod. But we will see what the future holds
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CAG Archangel (January 26th, 2016),CAG JB (January 25th, 2016)
The game is my first of the kind. Quite tactical, and you NEED to communicate with your team if you want to win.
That's what I like of it. No mic=sure loss.
Also you need to think your strategy in advance, you simply can't rush in. Especially because many in the ranked multiplayer try to break the schemes and don't sit in the room/rooms you have to protect waiting for you. They try to hunt you down.
My 2 cents.
P.S. if you see me online, feel free to hit me with an invite, even only for me screaming MERDA when killed stupidly....
CAG Archangel (January 26th, 2016),CAG JB (January 25th, 2016),Chet Norris (January 25th, 2016)
We need to get your marksman started Khaylius,I suggest reading over the reply to your application thread as it details all the relevant information needed to know in regards to becoming a member through Rainbow 6 Siege.
Also man next time where in a game your going to have to tell me how to pronounce that GT you have lol
CAG JB (January 25th, 2016)
CAG Archangel (January 26th, 2016)
I see Wray he is saying. If you follow the path that is laid out it doesn't have the rainbow requirements on it. When you hit the link to learn what to do during your 2 weeks it takes you to sprays post about the casual member option. Then there is a link to learn how to obtain your marksman. When you follow that it takes you to another post that isn't updated with the rainbow requirements
Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
Khaylius (January 25th, 2016)