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Thread: State of the Clan Address

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  1. #1
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
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    Riverside California
    Leader and Founder of CAG

    State of the Clan Address

    Hello everyone I am CheechDogg Leader and Co-Founder of CAG. In this thread I will be addressing CAG's State of the Clan and give detailed information of what is expected from this point forward.


    Let me start off by saying that CAG is first and foremost a Family oriented "Clan" whose staff and leaders understand that "no one" will ever be forced to choose between CAG or their Family at home. I have stated many times in many threads that "YOU" are never expected to tell us why you will be MIA for any extended period of time and especially when the reasons for being MIA have to do with your Family and the healthy of your Family and or Friends.

    We do however expect that "YOU" at some point inform us or keep us updated of your MIA and understand that if you are missing from the site for more than 2 weeks you may be moved to registered member status on the website and possibly be removed from the clan's official roster until "We" make contact with "YOU" and discuss your MIA. Once we establish some form of contact with "YOU", we will decide if you are added back to the clan's official roster and moved from "registered member" status on the forums.


    CAG is a clan that has no problem giving it's members an equal opportunity to become co-leaders from fire-team leaders to division level leaders as long as they show and convince "US" that they will work as hard if not harder than they did when they were not unit leaders in the past.

    Before "ANYONE" is accepted as a unit leader and especially an officer, we make it perfectly clear and confirm with each individual if they will be able to fulfill their requirements but most importantly if they "WILL" have the time required to hold each specific position in the clan. We "ALWAYS" tell everyone to "ONLY" accept a role, position, billet and or rank in the clan "IF" they truly can commit 100% to the position being offered or for which they are applying for. "YOU" gain more respect from not just "US" but everyone in the clan when you are truthful up front and not deceptive just to get a leadership position in the clan at any level.

    When you do become a unit leader or "OFFICER" you are held to the highest standards that CAG believes and has proven to be needed to keep CAG running as smoothly as possible and which have helped CAG continue to be around for more than 10 years. CAG is a very well structured clan and "I" don't tolerate frivolous attitude and behaviour from unit leaders and especially "Officers" and because of this zero tolerance policy a lot of the times "OFFICERS" might abuse their power accidentally and sometimes purposely.

    Abuse of power as an "OFFICER" will never be tolerated in CAG and "I" personally deal with it right away if it continues. "I" understand that sometimes being an "OFFICER" and even a unit leader not just in CAG but any clan can be overwhelming and sometimes even flat out frustrating to the point that "WE" might react in a very disrespectful manner towards others, but we have a very smart group of staff members and co-leaders who have been around for a while now who have had to address most situations that arise in a clan atmosphere such as CAG's.

    Strong Leadership is one area in which CAG prides itself in, all past and present members of leadership have contributed in the development of CAG and "I" personally appreciate and give thanks to everyone past and present for doing so. We have had many members/players who have had huge impacts on CAG's history and development both positive and negative, but even the negative impacts are appreciated by "ME" because it helps me understand how to deal with similar situations in the future.


    Fall-outs in CAG and any clan are inevitable most of the times. Every year "WE" go through fall-outs, some small, some big but despite these fall-outs CAG continues forward never looking back but always conscious about CAG's well-being.

    Why is there fall-outs in CAG if it is considered to be the best clan around? The answer is very simple, CAG's is very well structured, we have one of the strongest Code of Conduct policies of any clan and eventually our rules and regulations found in our code of conduct become to much for certain individuals to adhere by even uphold and therefore are unable to enforce it correctly. Why? Being a "LEADER" requires self respect, integrity and the respect from others by commanding it not demanding it. Some "OFFICERS" demand to be respected and therefore begin to cause friction and drama within the clan and between others most of the times without being aware of doing so.

    When "I" or other Co-Leaders become aware of "OFFICERS" abusing their power, "We" address the situation, as a result some "OFFICERS" take it very personal and decide to quit the clan rather than take our criticism constructively and in the process give other members false information about what happened and if that "OFFICER" is well liked ends up taking clan members with him/her when they quit the clan, however fall-outs are sometimes needed in order for not just CAG but any clan to continue moving forward without further drama.


    Despite what many are saying, CAG is not trouble and certainly not dead. While it is very disappointing to go through fall-outs, "I" want to personally reassure everyone that CAG is not in trouble and we are not going to die because of last week's fall-out. Our forum's activity proves that we are moving forward without any problems and the amount of clan applications coming through only solidifies my guarantee that CAG is doing just fine and will continue to grow and be as strong as ever.


    As always, CAG offers leadership opportunities for those who want them and are willing to work hard for them. CAG strongly stresses leadership among all members not just unit leaders or officers and the best way to become a leader at any level in CAG is to follow CAG's Code of Conduct from the minute you submit your application to join CAG.

    No one is ever overlooked or not considered for any unit leader, officer or leadership role in CAG. In order to become an Officer "YOU" must be patient as it is not an overnight process but one that will happen if "YOU" work hard and are active on the forums. We carefully go through a screening of every person who applies to become and officer to make sure they are a good fit for both CAG and that person. We don't always get it right but CAG has a very strong current Leadership group which was chosen by "ME" personally and which have bought into the system required to be a "LEADER" in CAG.

    I don't brainwash anyone and I certainly "DO NOT" deceive anyone ever. I have said this before and I will say it again, "I am only as strong as those who I chose to surround My Self with" and despite what many say about me, I am very fair and I "DONT" have final say like many people seem to think I do when it comes to clan matters. CAG ToxicBob, CAG GypsyOutlaw, CAG Covieleader, CAG PATRON, CAG JB, CAG xPARCHx, SoulSeeker1972, StormySGT ELIAS, CAG BIG COUNTRY and HEADHUNTER1030 are all members of CAG's Leadership who can make decisions without my approval regarding clan matters. We all trust each other's decisisions and always stand behind them. If we have disagreements we discuss them and quickly come to a solution or compromise.


    You can continue to expect nothing but good things from CAG in the future. With the ucoming release of BLACK OPS 3, RAINBOW SIX SIEGE and other games, CAG promises a "HOME" and "FAMILY" to game with as long as you can follow CAG's Code of Conduct.

    We (CAG) is not perfect and we never claim to be perfect, but we do claim to be the best clan out there because our past has proven us to be so. We wouldn't be around this long if we were not the best clan out there, those who have bought into CAG's system have thrived and so can "YOU".

    If you have any questions about CAG and it's leadership do not hesitate to ask them here. We will always answer your questions truthfully and will never hide anything from you unless it is something that can only be discussed in private.

    I want to thank you all for reading this thread and I look forward to answering any and all of your questions as will the rest of CAG's leadership as well.

    Thank you

    CAG CheechDogg

    Leader and Co-Founder of CAG
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
    Experience: 289,623,031
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  2. The Following 67 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    Ajax1723 (September 21st, 2015),Alocer Demon (November 24th, 2015),BetterThanYou0g (October 1st, 2015),BIG COUNTRY (September 27th, 2015),CAG Archangel (September 25th, 2015),CAG Brutality (September 22nd, 2015),CAG Covieleader (December 15th, 2015),CAG JB (September 21st, 2015),CAG RAZ (September 24th, 2015),CAG SILENT (September 21st, 2015),CAG TheKid (September 22nd, 2015),CanadianxIceMan (September 22nd, 2015),CaptainSkid07 (December 15th, 2015),Chet Norris (January 1st, 2016),crazyjj22 (November 24th, 2015),DaRedeemerSPAWN4 (December 7th, 2015),EXEprog527 (September 22nd, 2015),FAZE_HARVEY (December 21st, 2015),Fistful_of_ducks (January 6th, 2016),Fozzmo (December 14th, 2015),FritoBlack (November 22nd, 2015),GypsyOutlaw (September 21st, 2015),HarryDeacon (December 23rd, 2015),Havocizzle (November 16th, 2015),HD DeSPic4bL3 (December 22nd, 2015),HEADHUNTER1030 (September 21st, 2015),HighOctain88 (November 24th, 2015),Hobbit (September 22nd, 2015),iamsnakeplisken (November 16th, 2015),JtsGay (November 24th, 2015),Jvrad38 (November 21st, 2015),K0NV1CTXx (November 29th, 2015),Kn0ck3rSh0ck3r (November 26th, 2015),krotek (January 13th, 2016),LicketySplit632 (November 21st, 2015),Luhrs001 (November 21st, 2015),Maniacfearme (January 13th, 2016),minotaurlord123 (November 25th, 2015),MrJustifiedRage (January 14th, 2016),MYKMANSUN77 (November 30th, 2015),N1nJaASSassin12 (December 11th, 2015),NBD x HITMAN (December 21st, 2015),Northman77 (January 7th, 2016),OneBigRed4You (December 17th, 2015),P R O x B N (November 26th, 2015),Pas Fusions (January 11th, 2016),Rastakidbrit (November 8th, 2015),Se-r_boi (December 14th, 2015),SerpentSteel (December 6th, 2015),SlantEyedBanana (November 8th, 2015),Slicer1387 (December 6th, 2015),Spoon Tactics (December 8th, 2015),StormySGT ELIAS (September 21st, 2015),SWANGxxOH (September 21st, 2015),Tastylemons (September 21st, 2015),Theoutlaw422 (January 14th, 2016),VooDooStandard (December 12th, 2015),wgp t00 lame (January 5th, 2016),willie98 (January 4th, 2016),x_hydra87_x (September 23rd, 2015),XBigDaddyCrushX (September 21st, 2015),xBigguyxJasonx (December 13th, 2015),xPARCHx (September 21st, 2015),XxSp0rtsStar6xX (September 27th, 2015),XxVex kingxX (December 11th, 2015),Zoo York US (September 30th, 2015),zrob101 (November 22nd, 2015)

  3. The Following User Says Hell Fucking No ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    Se-r_boi (December 14th, 2015)

  4. #2
    GypsyOutlaw's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned


    we dont die we multiple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    CAG Dogg Level: 54 [?]
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  5. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to GypsyOutlaw For This Fucking Post:

    BetterThanYou0g (October 1st, 2015),CAG CheechDogg (September 21st, 2015),minotaurlord123 (November 25th, 2015)

  6. #3
    CAG Stud
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Read and understood

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  7. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to IMr x BeNNeTT For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (September 21st, 2015)

  8. #4
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Well said cheech!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    CAG Dogg Level: 53 [?]
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  9. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to SprayAim For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (September 21st, 2015)

  10. #5
    Tastylemons's Avatar
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    A post so beautiful that I'm currently at half mast. Hoorah!

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    "I once had to beat a man to death with his own shoes..."

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  11. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Tastylemons For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (September 21st, 2015)

  12. #6
    CAG Stud
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  13. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Wardaddy For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (September 21st, 2015)

  14. #7
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Read and understood very awesomely out

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  15. #8
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    Hoorah mofo's!
    CAG JB

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  16. #9
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    Read, understood, and agreed

    Sent from the land of cows
    I learned everything I need to know from John Cougar, John Deere, John 3:16

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  17. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Rednek For This Fucking Post:

    Der3nis (November 24th, 2015)

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    Der3nis (November 24th, 2015)

  19. #10
    Lesbehonest's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Hell yeah, Cheech!!! Read and understood!!

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

    CAG Dogg Level: 50 [?]
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  20. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Lesbehonest For This Fucking Post:

    Scranboy9 (December 5th, 2015)

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