Alright guys this will be the last time I do this unless people participate. If you are using Tapatalk then post your vote at the bottom and I will update the Poll.
So here are your Nominees. I get the Nominees from the Top 10 Posters minus Myself, Cheech and winner from last month! There are several people that cut it close that should be on this list. Hopefully next month there post counts jump up!
2. CAG TheKid
3. CAG Gemini328
4. SprayAim
5. SECJay
6. crazyjj22
8. HighOctain88
9. Steve-o_stiffler
10. i am the g00n
So place your votes now!! Like I said, if using Tapatalk then Post in here who you vote for and I will update it. Yes, you can vote for YOURSELF!