Dont forget people "Black Ice" drops on the 2nd of this month!
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CAG SACRILEGE (February 1st, 2016)
2.0 patch notes
· Operator shouts are now muted for enemy team From now on, the enemy team will not be hearing your team’s automatic character shouts. This will allow for stealthier approaches while maintaining non-verbal communication within the respective teams.
· Defender objective rotation (for Ranked and Custom Games) In Ranked and Custom Games, Defenders can vote for the objective location they want to defend. We noticed that certain maps have objective locations that are considered easier to defend than others, and that those are frequently being chosen. We believe that it will make for a more competitive and interesting experience to force variety upon the Defenders. From now on, when on the defending side, if a team wins an objective location, they won’t be able to pick it again until they’ve won the remaining locations. If the match goes into overtime, all objective locations become available again.
· Reduced bullet trail intensity, especially for suppressed weapons Reduced the visibility of bullet trails for all weapons, with an additional reduction for suppressed weapons for a stealthier approach. We believe this tweak will make silenced weapons more useful, as the damage reduction trade-off will now be more worthwhile, on top off the sound reduction.
· Increased the flashbang range of effect We are roughly doubling the range of flashbangs, making them more effective.
· Reduced noise levels of multiple Defender gadgets
· Reduced the noise levels of Mute’s jammers. It will now be considerably lower for Defenders and we reduced the verticality of its sound (will not be heard from two floors up or down anymore).
· Reduced the electricity noise levels on electrified gadgets.
· Reduced the noises levels of the Kapkan trap.
· Reinforced walls and Castle barricades now block bullets while being deployed It used to be possible to get shot while deploying reinforced walls and Castle barricades, even if they seemed to be covering the players. From now on, there will be collision on those surfaces even during deployment and therefore the bullets will be stopped.
· Thatcher now has a shotgun available in his loadout options We added the English shotgun M590A1 to Thatcher’s loadout options.
· Removed Bandit’s unique gadget’s (CED-1) electricity damage on the hostage Removed electricity damage on the hostage. This will avoid some edge cases where it wasn’t clear who was responsible for the hostage’s death.
· Added map and mode name display during loading and planning phase screens
· Reduced screen dust effect When surfaces break or explosions occur, nearby players get a dust effect on the border of their screen. We reduced it to be less intense and occluding.
· Altered matchmaking timer display Timer now counts up to estimated time.
· Fixed weapon damage numbers in menus We have changed the damage numbers in the menus according to the light armor values.
· Individual spawn location selection for Attackers (Ranked, Custom Games setting) In Ranked (and as a Custom Game setting), each Attacker can now select their own spawning location instead of having to vote as a group. This will give more tactical flexibility on approaching the building and will also greatly reduce the amount of instances in which Attackers get picked off as a group by the Defenders right as the Action phase begins (team spawn killing).
· Ranked population repartition tweak Our data tracking shows that the upper ranks (Gold, Platinum, Diamond) are less populated than expected. Therefore, we have reworked how our players are distributed through ranks. This means that many players will see their ranks change instantly after the February 2nd update.
We will be closely monitoring how the rank repartition evolves over time and will be doing additional tweaks if needed. To learn more about the Ranked System.
· Ranked fluctuation parameters tweak From now on, players ranked Silver 3 and below will have a higher fluctuation rate compared to the ranks above that threshold. For example, Bronze 3 could contain players that have skill ratings between 15 and 16.5 while Gold 3 would have a larger spectrum, between 32.5 and 35. The intention behind this is that players from the lower ranks can climb out of them faster. This will make it more fun for newer or less experienced players, while the constant, highly skilled players will be able to maintain their rank.
· Web feature: Tactical Board improvements
· Auto-save. The Tactical Board will now automatically save tactics in progress every 30 seconds. This will prevent you from losing your work if any disconnection or bug occurs while working on a tactic. It will also allow you to leave the Tactical Board without having to hit the Save button. Just make sure you noticed the “Autosaved” text popping on the top of the Tactical Board, to the right of the tactic name.
· Maintenance alerts. The Tactical Board will alert you of upcoming maintenances 15 minutes prior to downtime. Fixing the Tactical Board bugs requires us to switch off the servers for some minutes. When a maintenance is upcoming, you’ll see a warning on the bottom of the board. As we also have the autosaves ongoing, there will be less risks to lose your work, which will occur only if you edit the tactic 30 seconds or less before the maintenance starts.
· Texts are now easier to select and edit.
· Bug fixes.
· Fixed an issue preventing users to validate the removal of the tactician.
· Fixing an issue making undo/redo actions sometimes unresponsive until a change of tool was made.
· Inviting someone in the tactic will now correctly update the Attendees panel (top right).
· Fixing an issue preventing to dismiss a share notification from their dashboard when clicking "See it later".
Please be aware that this is not an exhaustive list and that we are only highlighting fixes that were done about the most commonly raised bugs.
· Right stick dead zone is resetting to default after exiting the game - FIXED
· Thermite can’t place an Exothermic Charge on damaged and reinforced walls - FIXED
· Attackers win if a teammate kills Fuze as soon as he detonates his cluster charge on the hostage – FIXED
· Guard break does not work if a shield-wielding Operator moves while receiving a melee hit - FIXED
· When in rappel mode, the Operator does not have collision under specific structures and clips through textures when moving upwards – FIXED
· End of round camera clips through the Operator – FIXED
· PVE: on rare occasions one of the AI doesn’t spawn at the start of a match - FIXED
· PVE: AI Engineers end up in a loop between evade and idle reaction for every damage tic received from poison gas – FIXED LEVEL DESIGN FIXES
· Defenders are able to pass through red blocker walls during the preparation phase - FIXED Players in support mode sometimes don’t get a correct replication of the watched player’s point of view. For example, the player could have destroyed a wall and seen through it while the player watching in support mode would see an intact wall. - FIXED
· On the Hereford Base map, players are able to get out of the building through the red blocker wall when vaulting over the sandbags during the preparation phase. - FIXED
· On the Oregon map, players can see through the ceiling when vaulting over the bunk bed. – FIXED
· On the Kafe Dostoevsky, character can remain stuck when vaulting on a recycle bin in EXT Park Alley – FIXED
· On Consulate map, character can remain stuck between chairs at the Visa Office location – FIXED
· On the Kanal map, players can see out of world through the ceiling if he placed his drone over the air vents in the Hallway. – FIXED
· There are minor lighting issues on our maps. – FIXED
· The game sometimes boots on CENTRAL-US data center instead of WEST-EUROPE – FIXED
· Some players don’t receive renown after a match. – FIXED
· 0-0x00000602 error is sometimes being received when returning from a matchmaking game to looking for players step - FIXED
· 2-0x00000067 error is sometimes being received when trying to join a squad having previously went through a direct disconnection - FIXED
· 2-0x00000068 error is sometimes being received when accepting a party invite. - FIXED
· Some players from a squad are left in the main menu when searching for a match if specific steps were not followed - FIXED
· There is no timer present during the lobby screen - FIXED
· Player gets stuck indefinitely loading a lobby when joining in progress if a player of the same game got killed and then quit the lobby first. - FIXED
· Some users are getting the "Connection Failure" error every time challenges reset while in-game – FIXED
· PVE: On some occasions, players are not awarded XP points and Renown after finishing Terrorist Hunt sessions. – FIXED
· Ranked: Players leaving for any reason except a network disconnection receive no warning and are automatically banned for 2 minutes – FIXED
· PC, Ranked: Players leaving match using F10 don’t receive reconnect message – FIXED
· PC, Ranked: Players leaving match using ALT+F4 don’t receive reconnect message - FIXED
· A placeholder appears on the prompt with the abandoned match message after quitting a Ranked game – FIXED
· On the House map, missing location indicator in Laundry Room - FIXED
· PC: If the player switches Aiming settings From Hold to Toggle, the player can’t ADS in Tachanka’s Turret - FIXED
· PC: Some keys are hard binded in the game involving movement and chat box - FIXED
· PC: Push-to-talk functionality is missing in the Options menu - FIXED
· Uplay: Alpha Team Uplay action is not unlocked after completing 50 ranked matches - FIXED
CAG JB (February 4th, 2016),Chet Norris (February 4th, 2016)
Great Update notes Destroyer,the updates cover a lot of stuff that I was expecting to see fixed in game.
Only thing I didn't see on there is the bug with Kapkan's trip mine.One can see that the developers are solidifying the game with each update.
I think the bug hasn't yet because it is more recent. But we checked their twitter and they have noted it and are currently working on it.
As for the update I feel it is going to get a lot more competitive in games now. I like the reduced bullet trail and extra for silencers. Also the noise reduction on gadgets will be really nice.
I think my favorite thing is the individual spawn locations. Will make it really nice for mounting an attack and strategic play. Also poodle can't murder your whole team through a window when they figure out where you all spawn
Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
Bailiff3205 (February 4th, 2016),CAG JB (February 4th, 2016)
I'm loving the update of the bullet trail on silenced weapons as this will play to my advantage in game.
You will very rarely see me running without a silencer in a game as my whole play style iv found is more tailored towards observation and stealth.I like to be quiet on approach so that enemy team players dont suspect a breach and then bomb breach as a team.
Gadget sounds are going to play hugely in favour of the operator Mute and many time due to the headset that I have I can be a floor below or above when searching with a drone in the prep phase and i already know where they are without having to work to hard to seek the objective out.
Bailiff3205 (February 4th, 2016),Destroyer ned (February 4th, 2016),Gemini328 (February 4th, 2016)
R6 2.2 update,
Rainbow Six Siege Update Patch 2.2 Notes Available For PC, PS4 And Xbox One
Rainbow six siege
Ubisoft has now released details for update patch 2.2 for Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege. The patch will be coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
Ubisoft posted all of the details of the new update patch for Rainbow Six Siege via its official website. The update will be out for PC owners on March 1st, 2016. The same update comes to PS4 and Xbox One on March 2nd, 2016.
New Features: Addition of a Report Button, Introduction of Kill Cam to Ranked. Playlist Changes: New Custom Game setting: Infinite Overtime Rounds is now available for competitive play
Gameplay Fixes: Operators are in T-Pose and do not display any texture. – FIXED, Hit registration: the player sometimes doesn’t receive damage when shot at while in rappel and using a drone. – FIXED
Hit registration: Players sometime take no damage when shot in one of their feet. – FIXED, Hit registration: Defenders have a difficult time damaging a hostage carrier while he or she is in rappel. – FIXED
Weapons sometime appear through walls. – FIXED, The drone sometimes flies out of bounds when thrown. – FIXED, Sometimes drone falls off the maps. – FIXED
Gadgets placed on the ground cannot be put on top of barricade debris. – FIXED, The ADS animation sometimes gets corrupted when shield-wielding Operators aim. – FIXED
Thermite: sometimes, a reinforced trap door will not be destroyed by an Exothermic Charge. – FIXED, Buck: Pressing the gadget key while holding secondary weapon does not go out of Skeleton key mode. – FIXED
Glaz: pressing the gadget key while carrying secondary weapon does not switch scope ON and OFF. – FIXED, Sledge: hammer can be seen floating in the air during end of round camera. – FIXED
Level Design Fixes: Yacht – exploit: players are able to vault near the roof of the front end of the Yacht, inside the ceiling. – FIXED, Yacht: the Secure Area objective area doesn’t cover the entire room of the cockpit, preventing the objective to be captured/defended when standing in a specific position. – FIXED, Yacht: Defenders cannot place barbed wire on any interior stairs of the map. – FIXED, Yacht: drones have no collision with a block of ice at East, Glacier. – FIXED
Yacht: some red blocking walls not displayed during the Preparation Phase. – FIXED, Oregon – exploit: Attackers can shoot Defenders through a small gap (near Junkyard Spawn Point, EXT Dining Hall). – FIXED, Oregon: drones have difficulty navigating through the two ventilation shafts near the abandoned school bus. – FIXED, Chalet: an invisible collision will prevent characters from shooting at enemies hiding behind it on the 2F near the railing. – FIXED
House: players can fall through the map when rappelling near the River Docks area. – FIXED, House: pillows have no collision with the players’ gadgets. – FIXED, Russian Café: the bottom layer of the destructible wall from the Pillar Dining Room cannot be vaulted after destroying the wall. – FIXED, Sometimes, there are lighting issues on maps. – FIXED
Spectator Mode Fixes: The score is not replicated correctly for the spectator during character selection screen. – FIXED, When spectating, the spectator remains with a white screen if the spectated target is killed while being flashed. – FIXED, Spectator sees player’s drone from the wrong perspective. – FIXED
Indication of drone elevation in relation to player does not work correctly when in Spectator Mode – FIXED, Tactical view focuses on where the Operator dies and does not allow the camera to move freely until the spectator switches to another player’s perspective. – FIXED, Graphic corruptions can be seen when switching between players in first person view. – FIXED
Players’ full usernames no longer displayed under their logo when focused on in Spectator Mode – FIXED, Controller does not vibrate after exiting from spectate mode and playing in any mode. – FIXED, PC: The spectator cannot open the Options menu using the F10 key. – FIXED
Miscellaneous Fixes: The countdown (15/10/5 seconds remaining) announcer voice over still happens after the defuser has been planted when the bomb is planted late in the round. – FIXED, PS4: PS4 players met feature from the friends tab in the playstation dynamic menu has no functionality. – FIXED
When you see the new update patch for Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege, make sure to download it ASAP as you won’t be able to play online without installing it first.
Bailiff3205 (March 1st, 2016),Destroyer ned (March 1st, 2016)
I'm gonna finally (install) this game lol Black Ops 3 has taken majority of my time but I'm branching out to other games so I don't get burned out of COD.
Destroyer ned (March 2nd, 2016)
CAG JB (March 2nd, 2016),Destroyer ned (March 2nd, 2016),StormySGT ELIAS (March 2nd, 2016)
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