Great so far! Sat in my patrol car, I was called to a travellers site as you can imagine police aren't welcome. Go to a field where kids were seen on a motorbike/quad bike causing trouble to general members of the public who are walking their dogs... Me being the closest unit available I go down, car isn't designed to go off roaring but to the hell with it I go off roading anyway! Young man comes up in front off me shits himself & falls off the bike as he's seen me, gave him a warning that I was a dog handler & if he runs I'll let the dogs out. He backed down straight away haha!! I think I could smell some shit as well!! Others come over & over all, I got fucked!!! Started getting pelted by their parents with bricks stones sticks the lot! Couldn't go anywhere so I made sure the dogs were safely secure in the boot & hit my panic button! Never been so scared for my life

Sent from my spaceship in out of space