CAG: Black Ops 3 Prestige Medals Now Available For Request !!!
Ok everyone the prestige medals for Black Ops 3 are now up and available for you guys to request to add to your awards and medals showcase!
Remember to take a minute or two before you request another prestige medal if you have more than one to prevent server overload. I know there are a lot of you who love to prestige and this is going to be a busy week for SAC and I when it comes to Black Ops 3 prestige medals.
This is the set I chose to use even though the other one got more votes ...
CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
Experience: 290,121,227
Next Level: 305,690,101
Please let me know how to request them, I prestiged only one time in CoD BO3 (I play much more R6S) but I like the medals and from time to time I switch games, so I can join you guys
CAG Dogg Level: 38 [?]
Experience: 1,296,980
Next Level: 1,460,206
Please let me know how to request them, I prestiged only one time in CoD BO3 (I play much more R6S) but I like the medals and from time to time I switch games, so I can join you guys
Once promoted to Lance Corporal, you can request these yourself. On the website, you would go to awards and medals. Scroll to the medal you want and on the right should say "request award". The prestige medals are OK to request yourself, but make sure you read the thread on what medals you can and can't request yourself first.
If they stand up, put them back down.
CAG Dogg Level: 41 [?]
Experience: 2,130,247
Next Level: 2,530,022
Once promoted to Lance Corporal, you can request these yourself. On the website, you would go to awards and medals. Scroll to the medal you want and on the right should say "request award". The prestige medals are OK to request yourself, but make sure you read the thread on what medals you can and can't request yourself first.
If they stand up, put them back down.
I tried to request the Prestige 1 and 2 medal I received a message that I didn't have the proper access to that part of the forum.
CAG Dogg Level: 38 [?]
Experience: 1,301,783
Next Level: 1,460,206
I tried to request the Prestige 1 and 2 medal I received a message that I didn't have the proper access to that part of the forum.
You are still ranked at Private 1st Class. To request awards a d medals you need to be a Lance Corporal. See the requirements for the promotion on the previous pages.
If they stand up, put them back down.
CAG Dogg Level: 41 [?]
Experience: 2,130,247
Next Level: 2,530,022