Wasn't Joe your buddy? I asked who he was days ago.
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Well we only have our 2 dilos left. I spawned in and took 3 steps out the gate to see two T-Rexs destroying Bob and what he was trying to build in his base. Then they approved to our base. I hid inside. They tore down all the thatch walls I had built and I guess reached their heads into our gate and killed tank. Then after 5 more minutes I think they gave up on trying to break through our stone walls. Then I made all the pieces to build us a wood hut and headed to the swamp lands. I gauche my way through 4 bug swarms and leveled twice in 5 mins. Then right as I was about to get into the swamp I got swarmed again by at least 40 bugs and they got me.
So I spawned out on the raft and went to the island across from us and raised the new tribe that started to build there. Lol modern day primitive pirate on a raft that I don't even know how it became ours
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