Hi! Just felt like dropping a line and give everyone a heads up.
First of all, thanks for having me. I've now had the chance to take a tour around the CAG ship and boy is it a large ship at that! I figured it was a large one but holy hell you people run an entire armada here. Im no stranger to the headache of running a guild but that was the cause of managing a group of roughly 35 people of whom Id known most for a long time online and several IRL buddies, also it was composed of 4 groups who also knew eachother IRL. This was a WoW and Swtor guild on seperate ocasions. What Im trying to say is hats of to the Captain and his Scallywags!
Brief intro for those curious. My name is Martin, I live in a very small village in the Southeast of Sweden called Österbymo (rough translation, Öster-east, by-village, mo-swamp. About 700 people live here and a total of 3600 in the entire county (Ydre). That makes it one of the smallest "county capital" in the country. Basicly its a very old "duke-hood" surrounded by some of the largest counties an cities. When I say old Im talking about a place where viking hearings and public beheadings took place 😉 .
That paints a picture of how much gameing an avid nerd on a long sickleave can cram in over the years. Last few years I find it hard to be entertained by online gameing and I demand a high level of coop in order to squeeze maximum amount of fun out of shooters. Im a PC gamer at heart but R6 Siege simply felt right on console and this will be my very first attempt at a shooter since i bought my Xbox.
I always look for new online buds so if you see me playing something to your likeing dont hesitate to drop a line, XBL Fozzmo. Speaking of dropping, I need to drop the kids of at the pool. If you read this far, thanks for entertaining me and I hope to see you ingame in the future.
Got any questions? Shout them at me across the board.