I may pop on to see your progress tonight if you can make space for me
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Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4. Company Commander: Randuken
I may pop on to see your progress tonight if you can make space for me
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"We walk by faith, not sight."
Yeah come on tonight. I'll be on, it would be good to get more Charlie delta games it's not so great when you only have 4 players on and 2 idiots in your team.
Yeah you better be on tonight, OLTZJORDANLO. Double XP should start today! Yay for another double XP weekend!
"We walk by faith, not sight."
Holy shit I didn't know it was double XP. Why another so soon. I'm probably going to reach master prestige before the weekends over lol I'm off to stock up on some monster.
"We walk by faith, not sight."
I really hope it's today I have the long struggle from 50-55 and it'd make it so much easier.
"We walk by faith, not sight."
iamsnakeplisken (December 10th, 2015)
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