Alright fellas so I would like your opinions on this as i know it is hard to get all three of us on at the same time. And we need to get these knocked out ASAP for all incoming recruits to complete.
- Choice of operator and weapon
- Must win 10 matches of TH on Hard, or 5 matches of TH on realistic
- Must have atleast 5 kills with no deaths
- Must be paired off with a Full CAG Member to confirm the games
- Must provide image if possible
- Choice of operator and weapon
- Must win 15 matches of TH on Hard, or 10 matches of TH on realistic
- Must have atleast 5 kills with no deaths
- Must be paired off with a Full CAG Member to confirm the games
- Must provide image if possible
- Choice of operator and weapon
- Must win 20 matches of TH on Hard, or 15 matches of TH on realistic
- Must have atleast 5 kills with no deaths
- Must be paired off with a Full CAG Member to confirm the games
- Must provide image if possible
I find it necessary to add the kill requirement otherwise the recruit could just sit in the corner the entire game and let the rest of the team do the work. I did not increase the kill amount through the different medals as their can be a limited number of opponents in TH on certain modes. I also did not find it necessary to restrict explosive kills as this is not like COD or BF and part of the tactic in this game is to use explosives and I would like to see recruits gain experience with all of the assests that the operators offer and not limit them.
I do also realize not every single recruit will want to play TH for their medals and I was thinking we could offer a multiplayer option.
- Win 5 matches of Multiplayer
- Have at least 3 kills with no more than 1 death
- Win 10 matches of Multiplayer
- Have at least 3 klls wth no more than 1 death
- Win 15 matches of Multiplayer
- Have at least 3 kills with no more than 1 death
Same thing here I don't see the kills needing to be higher since it is strictly 5v5 and a minimum of 3 rounds per match. I don't know how you feel about the 1 death aloud though.
Let me know what you guys think. I would like to get these aproved by Cheech and handed off to him and Spray ASAP so we can get the medals made and our canned reply for applications