I have no problem with him coming back .. he didn't leave in bad terms and most importantly he was not banned ... Your decision JB ...
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The CAG Army's Headquarter Discussion Forums
I have no problem with him coming back .. he didn't leave in bad terms and most importantly he was not banned ... Your decision JB ...
CAG Covieleader (December 6th, 2015),jDIAMOND (December 6th, 2015)
Well to be truthful the fact that he departed on good terms and wasn't banned speaks for itself.
I must ask though Mr Fund3m3ntals if considering your reinstatement,has your games that you play changed from what it was or are you looking for reinstatement within battlefield?
CAG Covieleader (December 6th, 2015),jDIAMOND (December 6th, 2015)
Well I'm actually playing all games. COD, BF, BATTLEFRONT, and Rb6. My roots is BF so I'll go with what I know.
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CAG Covieleader (December 6th, 2015),HUXLEYINC (December 5th, 2015)
Actually I'm going strong on Rb 6 if anyone wants or needs help with it
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CAG Covieleader (December 6th, 2015)
Haven't forgotten about you,currently about to start work but il update after then when I get some free time.
CAG SACRILEGE (December 6th, 2015)
Fundy dude...good to see you still alive my friend.
Although I can't really comment on your return to CAG, due to my own decision to take a less active position within the clan...i would add that I would be happy to see you back.
You're a good man and I think it's fair enough you wanted to change things up. We're all human and we all want to enjoy our gaming. You left amicably so I would have said yes.
Anyhoot...again it's good to see you bro.
Lieutenant Colonel - CAG Archangel
CAG Archangel (December 7th, 2015)
So I had from last night to think this through,and I want to make you aware Mr Fund3m3ntals that the reason I have been taking this time is to ensure that I come to the best possible decision in view of yourself, in view of the clan as a whole and in the view of showing fairness for those around us within CAG.
Normally with anyone returning they have to resubmit an application and walk through the application process yet again earning any awards they previously had.
I've decided that because you left on good terms on your departure i feel that it would be harsh not to award you a reinstatement.You will receive your Dogg ribbon (dogg ribbon only) making you a member once Cheech deals with this on the back end of things.
In terms of awards that you had earned previously regarding progressing in rank and billet. You will be asked to redo these should you choose to move forward within the chain of command.These awards would include marksman,sharpshooter and expert weapons badges.
All other awards such as your military service award, games played awards and any prestige awards they will remain untouched as these are personal to yourself.
I just want to clarify the reasons for asking you to redo progression awards.I feel that anyone can come here and say that they want to be reinstated but by asking for you to redo your progression awards ie weapons awards this would show not only to myself but every single member that you want to genuinely be part of what CAG stands for in terms of a clan and would speak leaps and bounds for your character.Asking this is far from being bitter or a hard ass but its more about portraying fairness and also giving you the chance to show us you want to be here.
If you do not choose to redo your weapons awards then you will still keep your Dogg ribbon with the rank of Private first class but will be unable to progress any further within the Chain of Command structure.
Before reinstatement I must also ask that any clan tag that you currently are displaying across any game be removed in preparation for your reinstatement. Ie - Your battlelog profile shows the tag [WNx] or any others eg if your rocking a tag on CoD this also must be removed as I will not risk any possibility of another clan stating that we are poaching.
Give this a read through man and let me know if your happy enough to proceed and we can get Cheech to get the ball rolling with your Dogg ribbon and reinstatement.
CAG SACRILEGE (December 6th, 2015),DaRedeemerSPAWN4 (December 7th, 2015),GypsyOutlaw (December 6th, 2015),HighOctain88 (December 6th, 2015),SprayAim (December 6th, 2015)
I agree.
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CAG JB (December 6th, 2015),CAG SACRILEGE (December 6th, 2015)
Next steps is to get Cheech to put the wheels in motion with granting your Dogg ribbon and setting you back to member status on the site.keep an eye on your awards showcase for the Dogg ribbon,normally its the weekend that Cheech will do this when hes got free time.
In the mean time feel free to post and get to know the guys/girls around here as theres quite a few new faces from when you where last here and if happy enough possibly catch a few games,exchange a few Gamertags.
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