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Thread: JD1AMONDs State of the Union

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  1. #1
    jDIAMOND's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    JD1AMONDs State of the Union

    Hey there CAG Members, and Recruits. Im jD1AMOND, a veteran of CAG who just recently returned full time to the Clan.

    In the glory days of CAG, It Didn't Matter what time of Day or Night you signed online, there were going to at least 2 Full Squads of members ready to party up and play.

    In my observation of the last month, Its not like that anymore. Many things could be the reason for that.

    1. Clan Members left
    2. Clan Members have a job
    3. Clan Members starting Familys

    Many more could be listed, and I fall under all 3 of those Categories.

    To the point:

    1.We need to build this clan back up.

    2.We need the forums to be more active.

    3.We need dedicated people 2 recruit.

    And Most importantly, We need our Platoon Leaders, SGTs to be more involved.

    I see 1 person constantly doing everything. Sacreligious. Kuddos to you.

    I know, I know. What is this Private First Class doing posting this?

    Well Im not gonna just sit back and watch this crumble at our feet. I want to be able to get online at all times of the day and be able to play with a Full party. If that means recruiting more High School kids who have more time than us adults, than so be it!

    This post is not to start drama, it is simply a minor observation of what Ive seen. If you dont like it, Party up with me tonight and we will chat.

    I would like to have a meeting with the Leaders and come up with a gameplan to get this Clan active as it once was!

    If any members are interested, or have the time to put in to make this clan great again, Contact me!


    Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

    CAG Dogg Level: 52 [?]
    Experience: 15,757,012
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  2. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to jDIAMOND For This Fucking Post:

    CAG ToxicBob (December 2nd, 2015),SoulSeeker1972 (December 2nd, 2015)

  3. #2
    CAG Stud
    SprayAim's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by jDIAMOND View Post
    Hey there CAG Members, and Recruits. Im jD1AMOND, a veteran of CAG who just recently returned full time to the Clan.

    In the glory days of CAG, It Didn't Matter what time of Day or Night you signed online, there were going to at least 2 Full Squads of members ready to party up and play.

    In my observation of the last month, Its not like that anymore. Many things could be the reason for that.

    1. Clan Members left
    2. Clan Members have a job
    3. Clan Members starting Familys

    Many more could be listed, and I fall under all 3 of those Categories.

    To the point:

    1.We need to build this clan back up.

    2.We need the forums to be more active.

    3.We need dedicated people 2 recruit.

    And Most importantly, We need our Platoon Leaders, SGTs to be more involved.

    I see 1 person constantly doing everything. Sacreligious. Kuddos to you.

    I know, I know. What is this Private First Class doing posting this?

    Well Im not gonna just sit back and watch this crumble at our feet. I want to be able to get online at all times of the day and be able to play with a Full party. If that means recruiting more High School kids who have more time than us adults, than so be it!

    This post is not to start drama, it is simply a minor observation of what Ive seen. If you dont like it, Party up with me tonight and we will chat.

    I would like to have a meeting with the Leaders and come up with a gameplan to get this Clan active as it once was!

    If any members are interested, or have the time to put in to make this clan great again, Contact me!


    Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
    While I agree with some of your points I do have to pick at a few things....

    Yes we have lost a few members recently (the end of advanced warfares life) and many of us do have shit going on in real life. That's adult life for you but I need to point out that there is more than 1 person doing everything.....

    I'll not take any due praise away from sac, his organisation of the forums is a breath of fresh air and has taken a huge burden from my shoulders as before sac joined I was the one doing all of the organisational stuff alone. His assistance is invaluable to me and everyone else in CAG

    Cheech busts his ass on the back end, ensuring the site keeps running as it is. Promotions and award processing are among some of his better known tasks, around his personal life.

    Not to mention all the new recruits and members actively posting and keeping our forums alive

    CAG is not crumbling around anyone's feet. We had our bad spell of the year and we are coming back strong. We finally have the foundations laid for a brand new company (Bravo) which had never been fully achieved in the past and this sets us up to grow larger than ever with the addition of all our Xbox guys and gals

    If I may point out. 90% of the recruits you see coming in for cod have been recruited by me and only me... A number of these I've walked through joining our site step by step and usually during my night time due to the time differences. I will be the first to admit that we need more people interested in doing thus with focuses on other games but it requires a lot of dedication and I don't see anyone stepping up to do it or put their names forward on our recruitment forum in the relevant thread, yourself included. No offence

    Yes, our company level leadership does need to be more involved in the forums. I 100% agree and this is something that has already been discussed and working towards in one of the many meetings and discussions I have had with the generals of CAG and Sac as he is essentially my right hand man due to the rights he has on the site

    More high school kids to bolster activity? Sure... But as many of us are adults, maturity is key. We have never to my knowledge refused members due to age but if they act like idiots they don't make it. It's as simple as that. Seeing that most high school kids act their age this is where the problem lies

    I know you are calling it as you see it and I respect you for voicing your concerns but you are viewing it without knowing the full story due to your rank preventing you from having all information. You also have not seen what the clan was like a short while ago after a few members left therefore do not see the comparison between now and a couple of months ago

    This clan IS great and IS going strong. We will continue to grow due to the hard work of many members.

    The above response and statement is my objective view

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    CAG Dogg Level: 53 [?]
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  4. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to SprayAim For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (December 2nd, 2015),xPARCHx (December 2nd, 2015)

  5. #3
    jDIAMOND's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by SprayAim View Post
    While I agree with some of your points I do have to pick at a few things....

    Yes we have lost a few members recently (the end of advanced warfares life) and many of us do have shit going on in real life. That's adult life for you but I need to point out that there is more than 1 person doing everything.....

    I'll not take any due praise away from sac, his organisation of the forums is a breath of fresh air and has taken a huge burden from my shoulders as before sac joined I was the one doing all of the organisational stuff alone. His assistance is invaluable to me and everyone else in CAG

    Cheech busts his ass on the back end, ensuring the site keeps running as it is. Promotions and award processing are among some of his better known tasks, around his personal life.

    Not to mention all the new recruits and members actively posting and keeping our forums alive

    CAG is not crumbling around anyone's feet. We had our bad spell of the year and we are coming back strong. We finally have the foundations laid for a brand new company (Bravo) which had never been fully achieved in the past and this sets us up to grow larger than ever with the addition of all our Xbox guys and gals

    If I may point out. 90% of the recruits you see coming in for cod have been recruited by me and only me... A number of these I've walked through joining our site step by step and usually during my night time due to the time differences. I will be the first to admit that we need more people interested in doing thus with focuses on other games but it requires a lot of dedication and I don't see anyone stepping up to do it or put their names forward on our recruitment forum in the relevant thread, yourself included. No offence

    Yes, our company level leadership does need to be more involved in the forums. I 100% agree and this is something that has already been discussed and working towards in one of the many meetings and discussions I have had with the generals of CAG and Sac as he is essentially my right hand man due to the rights he has on the site

    More high school kids to bolster activity? Sure... But as many of us are adults, maturity is key. We have never to my knowledge refused members due to age but if they act like idiots they don't make it. It's as simple as that. Seeing that most high school kids act their age this is where the problem lies

    I know you are calling it as you see it and I respect you for voicing your concerns but you are viewing it without knowing the full story due to your rank preventing you from having all information. You also have not seen what the clan was like a short while ago after a few members left therefore do not see the comparison between now and a couple of months ago

    This clan IS great and IS going strong. We will continue to grow due to the hard work of many members.

    The above response and statement is my objective view

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    With All do respect. Im not going to argue my points in public, but please. Don't bring Cheechs name up in this, I know how much he does as I spent hours of training on how to do things on the back end.

    I apologize I didn't credit your name for Recruiting and other things you do, but all I see is Sacreligious grinding day in and day out, even when he is supposed to be having a vacation in Vegas.

    Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

    CAG Dogg Level: 52 [?]
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  6. #4
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
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    Leader and Founder of CAG

    There was no need to even start this thread .... like Spray said above, CAG is fine ... there is nothing crumbling down ... SAC chose to do what he is doing so lets leave all that at that ...

    Work on recruiting for RB6 Siege diamond just like Spray has been doing so for COD and leave everything else alone ...
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  7. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    SprayAim (December 2nd, 2015)

  8. #5
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
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    Leader and Founder of CAG

    Thread is now closed ....
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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