This is were to post all your Hate Mail you get while playing COD!!
xPARCHx (November 22nd, 2015)
CAG JB (November 21st, 2015),CAG SACRILEGE (November 21st, 2015),StormySGT ELIAS (November 27th, 2015)
CAG CheechDogg (November 24th, 2015),CAG JB (November 22nd, 2015),CAG SACRILEGE (November 21st, 2015)
Ow this thread will get very large remind me to screenshot.
CAG CheechDogg (November 24th, 2015)
CAG Archangel (November 26th, 2015),CAG CheechDogg (November 24th, 2015)
CAG Archangel (November 26th, 2015)
Unless you look like a pointed brown nosed mouse type creature I wouldn't think so lol
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