Its about time your canned reply got streamlined a little so it doesn't overload potential new recruits.
I have made it so it's an almost mirror image of Alpha Co with a little added specific info to you guys about building up Bravo via a link to the relevant thread (which is also new) feel free to leave some feedback
Welcome to Bravo Company!
Hello Recruit.
Welcome and thank you for your interest in CAG!
Please subscribe to this thread as this is where you will find the information needed to succeed in CAG. Also, make sure to look around the forums, there is a lot of helpful information, especially to new recruits like yourself.
(CCMC) Chief of the CAG Marine Corps: TBD
Bravo Company Chain Of Command
Commanding Officer: SprayAim
Executive Officer: TBD
Company 1st Sgt: TBD
Gunnery Sgt: TBD
Awards and Medals NCO:
Bravo Squad HQ
Squad Leader: Steve-o_stiffler
Fireteam Leader: TBA
Fireteam Leader: TBA
Fireteam Leader: TBA
There are links to the rosters of Bravo Company below
Bravo Company HQ
Bravo Co, 1st Platoon Roster
Be expected to be read the Following within your first time in Contact with a Leader within Alpha Company this will contain Code Of Conduct, Chain Of Command and how Ranking up works within CAG.
NOTE: any time you post on the forum CAG MUST be capitalised!
What is expected of me now to become a full member and rank up in CAG?
You are now on a 2week (14 days) trial period and there are 2 options available to you in order to become a full CAG member. To find out what these are, please click this LINK
NOTE: ANY time you post ANY where using CAG it MUST be capitalized.
Always wear your clan tag, for more information about this and how it should be worn, click the following link Recruits! Clan Tag Information. Please read this information, it is important to know
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please use this thread for them and again thank you for your interest in CAG, see you on the battlefield!
Click Here to find out how Cheech crossed the border. Must know the answer prior to completing your 2 week probation.
Best of Luck!
Bravo Company HQ