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Thread: Great SHIT Guys!!

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  1. #1
    CAG Stud
    CAG SACRILEGE's Avatar
    Rep Points: 74590
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    This member is currently
    Local Date
    March 11th, 2025
    Local Time
    12:29 PM
    CAG Clan Member

    Great SHIT Guys!!

    To the new Recruits and the brand New Members,

    I want to say, once I get you guys to stop BSing and start calling shit out you all do GREAT! Today and in the past we went SEVERAL hours without losing 1 MATCH!! I went from a 1.23 W/L Ratio to 3.62 (or something around that) in just a couple of days! I have over 100 wins and 30 loses! Most of you are the same way.

    As some of you know when you play with the HIGH Ranked people they EXPECT you to call shit out and watch your sectors at all time and all COST! And for the most part all of you do. I just wanted to say THANK YOU. All of you show great talent and are extremely fun to play with.

    When I am hosting the Lobby (meaning I am the person calling the shots) I do not allow music to be so loud I cant hear callouts. Some Leaders are different and allow this (Cheech lol). If higher ranked is in the Lobby then it is there call. So please keep music down so I can actually hear. Today I had to kick people out of party chat because the music was SO loud I couldn't even talk to my fellow members and answer there questions.

    Hopefully soon we can get Squad and Fireteam training going to better in our games. This is one thing I want to get going. I will be getting with Wardaddy and see if he wants to do this as most of you are under in command. If you are interested in this let myself or Wardaddy know so we can work together and figure out the logistics and best times. If we do this some of you might get noticed and Cheech will recruit you to Charlie Delta. While I am not good enough at COD to become Charlie Delta a LOT of you are. And I am sure if enough of you become Charlie Delta, Cheech might do some Competitive games (just a thought).

    Some of you asked how to get in Charlie Delta. Answer is simple. There is a Brigade Marksman, Sharpshooter and Expert badges. This gets you into Charlie Delta Training. From there Cheech is the ONLY one who decides who gets in. That being said, you are NOT to message Cheech about getting in! Get the badges I listed and mention it to your Chain of Command. Let your Chain of Command talk to Cheech. If Cheech wants to reach out to you then that is up to him.

    A special THANKS to SprayAim for all the recruiting he has done and all the work he has done!

    I also want to say THANK YOU to Cheech for helping me out and showing me the ropes to CAG!

    Keep up all the good work everyone! We have had a lot of people doing RAGE quitting on the other team because they just can not hang!

    CAG Dogg Level: 51 [?]
    Experience: 12,335,550
    Next Level: 13,849,320

  2. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG SACRILEGE For This Fucking Post:

    Gemini328 (November 18th, 2015)

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