I am going to be on.
Sitting in my beanbag chair naked while eating Cheetos and scratching my crabs.
Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4. Company Commander: Randuken
I am going to be on.
Sitting in my beanbag chair naked while eating Cheetos and scratching my crabs.
CAG SACRILEGE (November 20th, 2015)
CAG SACRILEGE (November 20th, 2015)
Guys, I really want us to try for the Combat Action Medal and Tactical Precision Team Medal tonight. For the CA medal we need a group of (6), and everyone has to go positive for 10 straight games. This is doable if we ALL just go by the gameplan of map control. I don't want to see anyone act as a lone wolf and flip the spawns when we're trying to hold map control because that's how that individual plays. That's not how CAG plays.
For the TPT medal its the same concept, map control. We just need less that 25 deaths combined with no scorestreaks. This is doable too as long as we stick to the gameplan!
So lets get this shit done tonight boys!
"We walk by faith, not sight."
This is very doable if we can communicate. A mic and position call outs are a must we have to take 5 mins pre game lobby decide who does what job. Im always checking game map for team position that way we know our weak spots and who needs cover.
"We walk by faith, not sight."
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