Requesting Sharpshooter badge for InWunder. Here's his Sharpshooter Thread.
Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4. Company Commander: Randuken
Requesting Sharpshooter badge for InWunder. Here's his Sharpshooter Thread.
Please process Freemanjc9 as a full member with both his marksman and sharpshooter badges. Here are the links to each thread: Marksman Thread and Sharpshooter Thread
Requesting Sharpshooter Badge for Its_Savage. Here's the link, Sharpshooter Thread.
Batman_OnA_Stick (August 25th, 2016)
Good job on the format and wording on this request! We did switch to a new thread for these award/processing requests. I am sure Bertus will have you covered though and will be able to find this request. (The new thread is one of the few stickies within Bravo sub forum located here) If you're online today, just send me a message and I'll pop on to make sure you feel confident in posting award requests, platoon promotions, and roster management. You have done great so far and I don't think I will have to go over much at all. I just want to make sure you are comfortable in doing these tasks and will be able to teach others how to fulfill them in the future. Keep up the good work!
xPARCHx (August 25th, 2016)
This needs updating then. I only read it a thousand times.
Also fix the 4th one.
Other then that it's all good. As I said before my main concern was doing these sort of requests. I thought it was a little more complex...but Bert still does the heavy loading. So no worries so far.
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