So how do I no if I done it as I have played hc with clan members but not 100% sure if I completed it or how many I hav left to go pal
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Its every recruits responsibility to keep track of these steps especially if wishing to progress in rank within CAGs structure.
As for the typical casual gamer the marksman is not mandatory
CAG JB (November 11th, 2015),CAG SILENT (November 11th, 2015)
I shoot 3Gun and pistol matches so you have to suspend the part of your brain that controls "WTF!" Accept the fact this is a game in which a LMG can be outgunned by a SMG. The good thing is it goes both ways. Got the drop on someone with Assault rifle and won the fight with a pistol.
After reading your post again I understand what you mean. Thought you were referencing the differences between shooting in real life and playing on the Interwebz.
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