I would like to hear this too! Tell us all wise one!!
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I'm confused haha, first she says she wants to give me crabs now she saying about I don't need to her to speak to me
Sent from my spaceship in out of space
Trust you SAC, you tit haha... Well she still hasn't spoken to me so must have said or done something wrong, given her space & gone back to my place with the dogs who look miserable as fuck as she isn't here... I give up trying to please everyone & getting nowhere so I'll let her call me or text me or whatever if I find out she's cheated on me sh!t will hit the van!
Sent from my spaceship in out of space
Dude I have been there and done that! Do not give her to much space! I tried that and she started talking to other guys. Just give her enough to show you care but not overwhelm her! Last thing you want her to do is seek attention from someone else.
Like I said I been there. 3 year relationship ended because of it. In a new one but I let a great girl who I loved dearly go. New girl is a better communicator too. LOL.
CAG Cookie (November 8th, 2015)
Well I'm not overwhelming her, I'm just letting her get her self together. Doesn't bother me that she talks to other guys.. Like I said I'm not a possessive type of guy but if she does go with someone else then so be it, will just make their life's hell when I see them or the bloke especially if he drives
Sent from my spaceship in out of space
I meant give her space and do you. Also, I can give you crabs that you can give her. I bet she talks to you then!
Sitting in my beanbag chair naked while eating Cheetos and scratching my crabs.
can I pass on the crabs? Have you not got anything better to give me?
Sent from my spaceship in out of space
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