I have it pre-ordered from Best Buy. $12 off then I get games at Best Buy then when I pre-order they give me a $10 rewards card. So I will not be doing any pre-installs for this.
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PATRON (November 2nd, 2015)
HEADHUNTER1030 (November 2nd, 2015),PATRON (November 2nd, 2015),RS1980 (November 2nd, 2015)
Maybe it will be double xp this weekend for launch
That would be cool I think I'm go preorder it for the pc
I already know I will prestige through master twice lol let the grind begin
CAG Brutality (November 3rd, 2015),CAG Cookie (November 5th, 2015),PATRON (November 2nd, 2015)
Preordered it on the PC so yea let the games begin !
I'm gonna be getting it as soon as I'm able to get the money together
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I learned everything I need to know from John Cougar, John Deere, John 3:16
RS1980 (November 2nd, 2015)
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