So, I'm signed up to that Xbox preview thingy that means we get updates for Xbox and live before they are rolled out to the masses.
The most recent update consists of a complete overhaul of the aesthetics of the dashboard system and imo it blows.
My 3 year old daughter was reduced to tears upon seeing it and was inconsolable... It took 30 minutes of cuddles to stop her begging me to change it back... 30 minutes of big fat tears, pleas to change it and her repeating the words "I don't like it daddy, it's weird"
To be honest, I was struggling to keep my composure as I kinda agree with her. Damn Xbox for making my daughter feel this way. Lol
As you can see, all of the sections of the dashboard have a lot of information contained on them meaning there's a lot more scrolling about for things to find stuff and each page scrolls down. Your games and apps are in the home page right at the bottom... So are your pins. It all seems very long winded
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