Yesterday I was on the Battlelog and come across a page for the new DLC map-pack coming out for Battlefield Hardline, this map pack will be a free download once updated from the main game updates coming soon, with this map pack you get
2 New Maps - "Night Job" (Bank Job) "Night Woods" (BackWoods)
1 New Gadget - "Night Vision Goggles
2 New Weapons for ALL classes and factions - a new version of the Assault Rifle R0933 a new battle Rifle new music, assignments, camos, patches and many more to be announced by DICE.
If the pictures of the game mode are anything to go by then I think this could be a hit and will be released on ALL platforms (that have the full version of Battlefield Hardline installed).. In addition to this free Map-Pack DLC they are also going to be putting a patch in this update for loadouts as many if not all members to play Battlefield hardline are experiencing issues with their load outs and vehicle classes being reset constantly during gameplay..
Keep your eyes pealed for more information as it progresses...