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Thread: Help With School Project?

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  1. #1
    CAG Stud
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    Help With School Project?

    So as part of my JROTC I have to give a 15 minute long presentation to a board of 10 military officials on some way/thing to improve within the military or my JROTC program. I'm completely stuck and its a year long 2000 point assignment. Anyone have any suggestions?

    Sent from the land of cows
    I learned everything I need to know from John Cougar, John Deere, John 3:16

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    CAG SACRILEGE (October 9th, 2015)

  3. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG Rednek View Post
    So as part of my JROTC I have to give a 15 minute long presentation to a board of 10 military officials on some way/thing to improve within the military or my JROTC program. I'm completely stuck and its a year long 2000 point assignment. Anyone have any suggestions?

    Sent from the land of cows
    Well to start go smaller what's somthing that can be better with jrotc especially at your school

    Pirate Flag and a Island Girl

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  4. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Blackbeard For This Fucking Post:

    CAG SACRILEGE (October 9th, 2015)

  5. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by ARMY SPARTAN45 View Post
    Well to start go smaller what's somthing that can be better with jrotc especially at your school

    Pirate Flag and a Island Girl
    The biggest issue in my unit is that all the leadership are butt buddies so complaints and issues are hardly ever worked out but can't exactly roast our leadership...

    Sent from the land of cows
    I learned everything I need to know from John Cougar, John Deere, John 3:16

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  6. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Rednek For This Fucking Post:

    CAG SACRILEGE (October 9th, 2015)

  7. #4
    The__x_JOKER_x__'s Avatar
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    Shit man where do I start with all the things the Army can improve? My opinion might be a little more biased because I am stationed ed at the National Training Center of the Army. That means that 10 months out of the year we are training units that are getting ready to deploy. This hell hole is in the middle of the Mojave Desert in California. We work 21 straight days until a day off, we work holidays and it is hotter than 2 mice fucking in a wool sock outside in the summer, and in the winter it's cold. So let me start by naming some things the Army can change

    1. Stop promoting off of a promotion board and based on job performance and knowledge of your job, I have seen some dirt bags get promoted because they knew how many true Norths were on a map when they didn't know dick about their job.

    2. You should have to have at least one deployment to get promoted to e5, how can you promote someone to a leadership role when they themselves haven't been in combat?

    3. A background check for enlistment (you should use this one). I don't understand why the DOD doesn't do more extensive background checks on people who are trying to enlist. And they wonder why we have so many gang bangers in uniform.

    4. Stop down sizing everytime a conflict dies down. This only creates a problem. You cut 50,000 soldiers because the war in Afghanistan was dying down but now if another conflict pops off in Russia or China you scramble to get soldiers and you let in retards and felons.

    Omg I just realized how long this rant is, lol. Sorry about that, and I could keep going and going. But the biggest complaint is the pay. We make shit monet to deal with what we do, and Congress is always sitting on us. I hope this helped brother and sorry about the rant.

    " All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day." ----- The Joker

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  8. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to The__x_JOKER_x__ For This Fucking Post:

    CAG SACRILEGE (October 9th, 2015)

  9. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by The__x_JOKER_x__ View Post
    Shit man where do I start with all the things the Army can improve? My opinion might be a little more biased because I am stationed ed at the National Training Center of the Army. That means that 10 months out of the year we are training units that are getting ready to deploy. This hell hole is in the middle of the Mojave Desert in California. We work 21 straight days until a day off, we work holidays and it is hotter than 2 mice fucking in a wool sock outside in the summer, and in the winter it's cold. So let me start by naming some things the Army can change

    1. Stop promoting off of a promotion board and based on job performance and knowledge of your job, I have seen some dirt bags get promoted because they knew how many true Norths were on a map when they didn't know dick about their job.

    2. You should have to have at least one deployment to get promoted to e5, how can you promote someone to a leadership role when they themselves haven't been in combat?

    3. A background check for enlistment (you should use this one). I don't understand why the DOD doesn't do more extensive background checks on people who are trying to enlist. And they wonder why we have so many gang bangers in uniform.

    4. Stop down sizing everytime a conflict dies down. This only creates a problem. You cut 50,000 soldiers because the war in Afghanistan was dying down but now if another conflict pops off in Russia or China you scramble to get soldiers and you let in retards and felons.

    Omg I just realized how long this rant is, lol. Sorry about that, and I could keep going and going. But the biggest complaint is the pay. We make shit monet to deal with what we do, and Congress is always sitting on us. I hope this helped brother and sorry about the rant.
    I could not agree with this any more. He is spot on in everything he has said! The promotion board and going to e5 are the 2 big ones in my book. For your project I would say the down sizing after a conflict would be the easiest.

    Joker thanks for the laugh. Outstanding ideas. Haha.

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  10. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG SACRILEGE For This Fucking Post:

    The__x_JOKER_x__ (October 9th, 2015)

  11. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG Rednek View Post
    The biggest issue in my unit is that all the leadership are butt buddies so complaints and issues are hardly ever worked out but can't exactly roast our leadership...

    Sent from the land of cows
    Welcome to the military. This will not change! Ever!

    Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk

    CAG Dogg Level: 51 [?]
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