Hello again from The__x_JOKER_x__ I have been looking through the forums of late and I am not seeing a lot about the PS4 division. I have no doubt that CAG is the best damn clan on the XBOX but I want the same reputation on the Playstation. I have the utmost respect for the XBOX, I personally am just a Sony kind of guy. So basically I am asking that all CAG members with a PS4 rise up and lets get the PS4 Division going strong. I know that CAG is doing some re adjusting on the PS4 Division and if there is anything I can do please don't hesitate to ask. I know I am just a CAGr, but I already love being apart of this clan, hell this isn't a clan it is a family. So please lets gather together PS4 owners and leave your PSN name on this post. I hope to hear from y'all soon. And sorry if this wasn't the right section of the forums to post this in, as I didn't see anywhere else it should go. In closing, when I submitted my application I was given a small list of the Playstation Division members which I immediately added on the PSN, but I know there have to be so many more. So in my Warren G voice I will say " Playstation 4 Division, mount up"