I get right on that...(sarcasm)
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Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4. Company Commander: Randuken
I get right on that...(sarcasm)
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CHONG (September 13th, 2015)
sorry for not being on lately. i kind of got side tracked with some stuff. what time saturday?
CHONG (September 14th, 2015)
CHONG (September 14th, 2015)
I was thinking about 8pst
Rgr tracking like a abrams
CHONG (September 14th, 2015)
Shoot, we are always worried about you recruits... Ha!
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CHONG (September 16th, 2015)
Yessir! I will be sure too do that!