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View Poll Results: Do You Think Black Ops 3 Will Be Released for the 360 And PS3?

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  • Yes

    14 29.79%
  • No

    19 40.43%
  • I don't care

    15 31.91%
  • If they don't I will be pissed !!!

    2 4.26%
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Thread: Black Ops 3 For 360 And PS3 Not Ruled Out

COD Forums to discuss Black Ops 2, Black Ops, MW3, MW2 and other Call of Duty games

  1. #1
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    Black Ops 3 For 360 And PS3 Not Ruled Out

    So some of you are wondering if BLOPS 3 will be released for the 360 and PS3 .. I have been searching around the net and this is really the only article I found about this topic ...

    Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 PS3 And Xbox 360 Versions Not Ruled Out Yet

    By Pete Haas

    Call of Duty  Black Ops 3 71550

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 was announced yesterday for PS4, Xbox One and PC. However, that doesn't mean that older consoles will miss out on the futuristic shooter.

    Treyarch and Activision were careful not to specifically mention the older consoles either way at the reveal event for Black Ops 3.

    "We're working on Xbox One, PS4 and PC. That's it," studio head Mark Lamia told Eurogamer. The site's questions about last-gen consoles were referred to Activision, who had no additional platforms to announce "at this time."

    It's possible that Activision will assign PS3 and Xbox 360 development for Black Ops 3 to another developer. They've been known to bring in additional developers to handle one or more ports. High Moon Studios developed the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Advanced Warfare. Treyarch made the Wii U versions of Ghosts.

    Why develop inferior versions of Black Ops 3 for nearly decade-old consoles? It may come down to player base of those consoles. Over 80 million PS3s and Xbox 360s were sold worldwide so those consoles' player bases still dwarf their successors'. The current generation's leader, the PlayStation 4, has sold about 20 million as of March 1st. Porting the game to PS3 and Xbox 360 would expand the potential customer base for Black Ops 3 by millions.

    Activision's shown a willingness to support older platforms even when their successor's on the market, too. The most dramatic case was arguably Call of Duty: World at War. They released a PS2 version of WaW even though the PS3 had launched two years earlier. Call of Duty is such a huge franchise for them that they're willing to invest in ports for older hardware if they can get a healthy return on that investment.

    What's surprising, though, is that Activision didn't just announce PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Black Ops 3 if they're planning to develop them. That's either because they want the focus to be on the new-gen versions or because they haven't made a decision about last-gen versions yet. It's possible that they're calculating how much PS3 and Xbox 360 development would cost them and whether they'd be able to make that money back.

    In the meantime, retailers are only accepting pre-orders for the PS4, Xbox One and PC editions of Black Ops 3. Reserving a copy of the game will get you access to the multiplayer beta. However, as the fine print on the beta site says, "actual platform availability" has yet to be determined.
    cag clan cheechdogg

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    I also put a poll up for this thread ... I honestly don't think that they will release 360 and PS3 versions but they should .... Place your votes !!!
    cag clan cheechdogg

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    I think they will plus they have to keep their fan base on 360. That way when people on 360 switch over to the one still play COD. I think they should still make for them.

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    If they do make it they need to sell it with a license so you can get it on the xbox 1 if you buy an xbox 1 afterwards ... every game you have on the 360 should have a license anyways now so you can just download them on the One ....
    cag clan cheechdogg

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    i think in the end call of duty has shown on multiple occasions its all about the dollar amount they can get so i have no doubt it will be released on the old gen platforms simply because of the huge fan base and money they can get

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    Well they still have to determine if it's worth for them to pay another company to port it over ... they aren't going to do it so they have to hire another studio to do it for the 360 and ps3 .... they might have to dish a few million just for that alone .... that is why they are hesitant to even say if they are or not ....
    cag clan cheechdogg

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    i can definitely understand that which goes back to my point with the dollar amount. thats what everything boils down to i guess

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    What would kick ass is if they allowed 360 and xbox 1 players to play each other with BLOPS 3 ... now that would be a HIT !!!
    cag clan cheechdogg

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    I just hope it brings back the good old days of Black Ops 1 and 2. That's it just give me a game with no problems. But then again who knows. I mean you gotta wonder this is prolly the last or could be the cod supported by the older generations.

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    i think is about time these companies stop making games four past genarations consoles.. at one point sony and microsoft are going to push there companies to sell current gen consoles. if games keep coming out for old consoles then no 1 is going to buy new gen consoles.

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