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I use old school shaving tools. I have a double edge safety razor, with a badger hair brush, shaving soap, and Feather blades. I have to shave every damn day of the week and I absolutely love that razor. 100 blades cost me $30 and I go through 1 blade/week. It's cheap as hell and I no longer get nasty razor bumps.
Nice! Lol idk if I got the kills to not cut the crap out of myself lol
Azrael (September 3rd, 2015)
It takes practice. You have to take your time or you will slice your face up.
Azrael (September 3rd, 2015)
yea that would be a bad day for me as i would look like a victim from a jason horror film lol besides i shave my chest and that could easily spell disaster for me with a single blade razor. OUCH!!! lol
This is about to get REAL personal REAL fast...
Take your time and if you have shaky hands, don't even try anything else other then your face.
As for the original question, I couldn't tell you about any of those shave clubs. I used to use an electric razor in my car on the way to work for many years. It looks like it could be a good deal though seeing how 8 blades can cost upwards of $30+.
Hey now i said chest. lol you guys need to keep your heads out of the gutter.
Anyway if this doesn't work out i'm probably going to look into a single blade razor cause i do know they give one hell of a nice shave. Kinda miss being back home though. we had a barber shop about two blocks from my house and he used the old straight razor. I will tell you what that is the best damn shave i have ever had!
StormySGT ELIAS (September 3rd, 2015)
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