I would like replies from the ps4 players (full members and recruits) I'm taking a head count to get some things organized. Post yourself to this thread.
Thank you.
Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4. Company Commander: Randuken
I would like replies from the ps4 players (full members and recruits) I'm taking a head count to get some things organized. Post yourself to this thread.
Thank you.
Last edited by SprayAim; November 9th, 2015 at 03:23 AM.
Beastmode (August 28th, 2015),BetterThanYou0g (September 5th, 2015),CAG Brutality (August 29th, 2015),Korupt_Slayer_ (September 23rd, 2015),oTLotus (September 8th, 2015),Poprocks184 (September 6th, 2015),pred8or08 (September 7th, 2015),ScottyKillsIt (October 6th, 2015),x_hydra87_x (September 23rd, 2015)
I'll be on tomorrow
Good shit Chong!
pred8or08 (August 28th, 2015)
im not PS4, but if someone wants to buy me one that would be awesome.
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