CAG is a well known Hardcore players wet dream. Days and years on end of Pub Stomping ass where the ability to make players/clans rage quit happens multiple times daily. Cheech trained me, used to go 30-0 on maps like Hazard and Javelin kill entire teams at once on MW3. But I, personally, have turned towards the "Dark Side" and have played Core for the last couple of years exclusively. I don't mind playing HC at all, but who all enjoys playing Core?? I really like Core Domination and typically play that specific game mode but dabble in Hard Point, TDM, KC. But I like having a team or at least 1-2 people to roll with to help guide the game and call out. If you're a Core player let me know and pick me up anytime! If you're not on my friends yet, I will add you ASAP. Thanks!