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Thread: SHIV1141: Behind the Name

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  1. #1
    CAG Stud
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    SHIV1141: Behind the Name


    The above is some art I did after I chose my name. Originally, it was semi-random (the name, that is).
    I started my gaming career with Diablo, one of Blizzard's finest achievements. I went on from there to love the Warcraft series, Diablo II, World of Warcraft, and finally, Diablo III... not to mention Hearthstone, which I still play every morning before work, just to get my quests in.

    ANYWAY, back a few years ago, Blizzard got this notion in their heads that everyone should have a "battletag". There were no catches. Everyone would get the name they chose, without there being a "sorry, someone has that name already. Please try again" prompt. The way Blizzard did this was to assign a hashtag with a randomly generated number behind it. I chose SHIV, because my last name is Shiver, and my people in the Air Force called me Shiv for short, and was given 1141, hence Shiv#1141.

    In the meantime, I occupied myself with my new PS3, and gave myself the gamertag Jizsm. There was a Senior Master Sergeant named Chism and everyone made fun of his name, so it seemed befitting at the time. I never thought to take my name cross-console. Fast forward to my first Xbox 360... I tried for Jizsm, but it was taken, so I settled for lil_clay_clay (check out some of my vids on youtube).

    I recently got my new 360, and couldn't remember my login info, so I made a new xbl gamertag/account: Shiv1141.

    Now some history behind the painting (yeah, that's a painting... it's 16'x20' in acrylic on canvas... I'll post process pics in the comments). I'm a big fan of ambigrams. An ambigram is a word, that written correctly, can be read as something entirely different (or, perhaps, the exact same) when flipped upside down. I chose to go through the week-long scrutinization of the letter "S" to figure out how to make it a 1 ... and the painting above is how I did it. Here it is again flipped... you can still read "shiv 1141"


    Hope that entertained the few of you who'll read this. Again, process pics to follow.

    Yes, I love painting. It is my passion. I just finished commissioning a piece for a friend of mine, and NO, I would not mind commissioning pieces for CAG and/or its members. Hit me up via personal message if you'd like a piece, and we'll talk.

    Thanks for reading!

    ~The Shiv

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