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Thread: SHIV1141: Behind the Name

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  1. #1
    CAG Stud
    Hobbit's Avatar
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    March 2nd, 2025
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    07:03 PM
    georgia, usa
    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    SHIV1141: Behind the Name


    The above is some art I did after I chose my name. Originally, it was semi-random (the name, that is).
    I started my gaming career with Diablo, one of Blizzard's finest achievements. I went on from there to love the Warcraft series, Diablo II, World of Warcraft, and finally, Diablo III... not to mention Hearthstone, which I still play every morning before work, just to get my quests in.

    ANYWAY, back a few years ago, Blizzard got this notion in their heads that everyone should have a "battletag". There were no catches. Everyone would get the name they chose, without there being a "sorry, someone has that name already. Please try again" prompt. The way Blizzard did this was to assign a hashtag with a randomly generated number behind it. I chose SHIV, because my last name is Shiver, and my people in the Air Force called me Shiv for short, and was given 1141, hence Shiv#1141.

    In the meantime, I occupied myself with my new PS3, and gave myself the gamertag Jizsm. There was a Senior Master Sergeant named Chism and everyone made fun of his name, so it seemed befitting at the time. I never thought to take my name cross-console. Fast forward to my first Xbox 360... I tried for Jizsm, but it was taken, so I settled for lil_clay_clay (check out some of my vids on youtube).

    I recently got my new 360, and couldn't remember my login info, so I made a new xbl gamertag/account: Shiv1141.

    Now some history behind the painting (yeah, that's a painting... it's 16'x20' in acrylic on canvas... I'll post process pics in the comments). I'm a big fan of ambigrams. An ambigram is a word, that written correctly, can be read as something entirely different (or, perhaps, the exact same) when flipped upside down. I chose to go through the week-long scrutinization of the letter "S" to figure out how to make it a 1 ... and the painting above is how I did it. Here it is again flipped... you can still read "shiv 1141"


    Hope that entertained the few of you who'll read this. Again, process pics to follow.

    Yes, I love painting. It is my passion. I just finished commissioning a piece for a friend of mine, and NO, I would not mind commissioning pieces for CAG and/or its members. Hit me up via personal message if you'd like a piece, and we'll talk.

    Thanks for reading!

    ~The Shiv

    CAG Dogg Level: 38 [?]
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  2. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Hobbit For This Fucking Post:

    Ajax1723 (August 22nd, 2015)

  3. #2
    CAG Stud
    Hobbit's Avatar
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    georgia, usa
    I was a Bitch and got Banned


    Pencil rendering of what I wanted to paint


    Wing shadows and banners painted... added some modgepodge and tissue paper to the banner to give it some texture


    Little more detail work


    Stars getting there...


    Background first coat


    Background second coat


    Background third coat and stars first coat

    SHIV1141: Behind the Name

    AND we're done.

    CAG Dogg Level: 38 [?]
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  4. #3
    CAG Stud
    Hobbit's Avatar
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    March 2nd, 2025
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    07:03 PM
    georgia, usa
    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Bonus: I'm using it as my 360 wallpaper!


    Sent from the T.A.R.D.I.S. using my soniced Galaxy S4 on Tapatalk.

    CAG Dogg Level: 38 [?]
    Experience: 1,366,159
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