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Thread: Destiny Recruit List For Xbox Players

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  1. #1
    CAG Stud
    SprayAim's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Destiny Recruit List For Xbox Players

    All Destiny new recruits will be added to this list for members and other recruits to add and game with.

    As i am not a player of Destiny myself. it will be up to you guys to keep this thread updated as they come and go by posting who needs adding and removing from the list.

    This list will also track the progress of all recruits in relation to whether they have completed marksman or not.

    Please subscribe to this recruit list and add those who are included to this list

    In an Effort to make things much simplier for everyone around, We'll use this thread for Squad & Fireteam Leaders in case they aren't aware who's a recruit. It'll have their Gamertag and Application Date. From their you guys can assist them in getting their marksmen.

    Once they become Official Members then they'll be taken off and placed into the Rosters here.

    Xbox 1 Recruit Name: ---------------------- Process Date

    Ace0323 ------------------------------------------- 01/09/15 _ T
    Shredwick ----------------------------------------- 31/08/15 _ T
    Glasses1234 -------------------------------------- 28/08/15 _ T
    Rain Zephyrr --------------------------------------- 28/08/15 _ T

    Xbox 360 Recruit Name: ------------------- Process Date:

    PS3 Recruit Name: -------------------------- Process Date:

    ---------------------------------------- 01/09/15 _ T
    Abz11727 ------------------------------------------- 28/08/15 _ T
    ----------------------------------------- 21/08/15 _ M
    iTOASTERxx ---------------------------------------- 21/08/15 _ M
    Pingeh --------------------------------------------- 21/08/15 _ M

    PS4 Recruit Name: -------------------------- Process Date:

    Members who need contacting to ask if they need an exstension or if they no longer want to be CAG:

    T: Recruit is currently in the process of working on their Marksman
    C: Recruit has completed Marksman, just waiting for process date.
    E: Extensions granted for member to complete Marksman.
    M: Player needs messaged to ask about interest still.

    All Squad and Fire team leaders and any full time members. This is the most up to date Recruit list. Please make sure we're getting their marksman done (Some of them are complete) but get with them and let's get them all involved in Bravo Companies way of doing things.
    Last edited by SprayAim; August 21st, 2015 at 05:08 AM.

    CAG Dogg Level: 53 [?]
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  2. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to SprayAim For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (August 21st, 2015)

  3. #2
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    I think I'm just waiting to be processed but so far I've only met a few people from destiny so a roster for them would be nice plus I have about 6 other players I'm trying to convince to come so we can beef up the destiny roster.

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  4. #3
    CAG Stud
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by DADA DOINUR MOM View Post
    I think I'm just waiting to be processed but so far I've only met a few people from destiny so a roster for them would be nice plus I have about 6 other players I'm trying to convince to come so we can beef up the destiny roster.
    This is great Dadda. im in the process of sorting your forums out now and will get around to requesting your medals shortly.

    for the time being, there is a really old recruit list with a few names on it. would you mind contacting them to see if they are interested in rejoining? let me know of any destiny recruits and/or members you come accross who need adding to either the recruit list and rosters and i shall get them added also.

    Once i have all the relevant posts up on the forums i shall edit your destiny canned reply to include the links to all these threads and provide you destiny guys with some much needed organistaion.

    I am just messaging a fellow officer now who has the power to sticky and unsticky threads with a list of the ones i need making priority for both this forum and the world of tanks forum

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  5. #4
    CAG Stud
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    old recruit list can be found HERE

    CAG Dogg Level: 53 [?]
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  6. #5
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    I will contact them now and see if they are interested in rejoining and will keep my eye out for members and recruits that need added also

    CAG Dogg Level: 38 [?]
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  7. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Wardaddy For This Fucking Post:

    SprayAim (August 21st, 2015)

  8. #6
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by DADA DOINUR MOM View Post
    I will contact them now and see if they are interested in rejoining and will keep my eye out for members and recruits that need added also
    Thank you DADA DOINUR MOM, You are a Legend!

    CAG Dogg Level: 53 [?]
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  9. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to SprayAim For This Fucking Post:

    Wardaddy (August 21st, 2015)

  10. #7
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    All recruits on the list are contacted and now I'm awaiting responses. For members I've played with so far I know CAG KoruptdRicn and CAG Vendetta are on destiny so far that I know and I'm still trying to find more of them cause I was told by Vendetta there are quite a few they are just not on the list so I'm looking for them

    CAG Dogg Level: 38 [?]
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  11. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Wardaddy For This Fucking Post:

    SprayAim (August 21st, 2015)

  12. #8
    CAG Stud
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    recruit list has been updated with the following names:

    Xbox 1 Recruit Name: ---------------------- Process Date
    Ace0323 ------------------------------------------- 01/09/15 _ T
    Shredwick ----------------------------------------- 31/08/15 _ T
    Glasses1234 -------------------------------------- 28/08/15 _ T
    Rain Zephyrr --------------------------------------- 28/08/15 _ T

    PS3 Recruit Name: -------------------------- Process Date:

    ---------------------------------------- 01/09/15 _ T
    Abz11727 ------------------------------------------- 28/08/15 _ T
    ----------------------------------------- 21/08/15 _ M
    iTOASTERxx ---------------------------------------- 21/08/15 _ M
    Pingeh --------------------------------------------- 21/08/15 _ M

    please advise on status of these players. are they still working on marksman, have they completed it, etc

    CAG Dogg Level: 53 [?]
    Experience: 18,428,319
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