I'll keep it short but I suffer from BATTLE FATIGUE/SHELL SHOCK/PTSD-with MAJOR DEPRESSION and ANXIETY as well as a "recovering alcoholic in recovery" which is not true because I never couldn't control my drinking or suffered any withdrawal mentally or physically. It was just my way to get my mind free of demons and be myself but somebody else at the same time. When I learned I had a son on the way, I knew it was a boy from the start lol, I quit drinking period cold turkey with no problem and that was 3 years ago and I've tried a few different beers in the last 3 years and just don't like it anymore. The meds I was on were too much so I came off them and went on a 2 pill for that, Celexa which of ALL THE DOZENS TRIED seems to work for me and Valium but that's also for my spinal damage as well. It's a lonely place sometimes but my son keeps me focused.