You can let others know that you are playing Black Ops 2, MW3 or Black Ops now or intend to jump on it here. Use it to your advantage!
BIG COUNTRY (November 29th, 2015)
Forgot to set my Xbox to stay on to finish downloading GTA5 but this morning it was at 68% and I set to to finish downloading today while I'm at work so it will be done then I'll have to do all the updates so hopefully I'll have it all done by tonight .
The Master ET (February 6th, 2016)
Well as a bonus at least I'll have 12.3 million to start out with
The Master ET (February 6th, 2016)
Sorry make that 24 million the 12.3 is how much I've spent !! Lol
The Master ET (February 6th, 2016)
I got it downloaded now to play as well
BIG COUNTRY (February 6th, 2016)
I got GTA downloaded and I'll be on later
CAG SACRILEGE (February 6th, 2016)
BIG COUNTRY (February 6th, 2016)
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