Company Meeting Notes
Whats up Alpha? Thank you to those of you that could make it to the meeting yesterday. I understand it was short notice so thank you for taking the time out of your Saturday to attend. Cant tell you guys enough how much we appreciate the effort you guys/gals have been putting in lately. With the working with new recruits making sure Marksman's are getting worked on, to the roster clean ups each platoon is working on at the current moment. Really enjoying seeing you guys put in the work as we get closer to the drop of Black Ops 3 so Thank you all for work. OK lets get to the key points from yesterdays meeting.
- Right now Alphas HQ is going through a bit of a restructure. That is hopefully going to be smoothed out early this week an update will be put out once that's complete.
- With Black Ops 3 getting closer and closer and anticipating the rush of recruits we will be receiving the opportunity to stand out and be moved up the ranks is at a High. The reason for the roster clean up is to make room for these recruits that will flood in, and with that 1st +2nd Platoon being fairly close to full as it is an opportunity for added Platoons may present itself. If your looking to step up into a Leadership role we ask that you review the Leadership Post Count Requirement Thread that I have attached. Link Below :
Also to add to this we have had some people step into some Fire Team leader and Squad leader positions lately (congrats again!) I ask that you please review the thread below as to go over your responsibilities :
- Next is while we are working on filling up the platoons an idea that has been tossed around is giving each Platoon a recruit list to maintain. You guys have done excellent on letting us know whats going on with the recruits as of late, and that's what we are going to need in the next couple of months so great job everyone and keep at it. These list would be updated by each Platoon Commander, and Platoon Sergeants so you guys should be in the thick of things as far as making sure these recruits are being taken care of.
- Medals and Awards requesting Integrity. There was a post made not to long ago about this and i would like all of you to review it and if you haven't already given it a Read and Understood please do so. All kill medals must be processed by your Awards NCO or Platoon Commander. Link to review :
-I would ask that if have not seen the Charity Thread that Predator bumps religiously for you guys to please check it out. CAG clan is doing great things not only on Live but in real life, and I honestly believe we should all take a little part in it. With the donations we have put up this month which by the way I believe is at $225 dollars is going to be split in half and Donated to The Wounded Warrior Project. The other have is going to be used for a prize to be offered back into the clan which details will be revealed as we end out August.
Charity Thread :
- Ok i have changed the color on this to show a bit more of Emphasis on the importance of this note. SprayAim and the J-1 Recruit team still need members that are willing to put in some effort to bring more people into CAG. This is not only for Call of Duty but for all games we support and consoles. I would like to add that we do make it more of an effort when running in lobbies to engage people that way. If your running a 3-4 man group and you get a couple randoms who actually stand out, making call outs, buying into whatever play style your using that match PLEASE talk about CAG. Tell them to come check us out!
- Lastly its been asked that I address that DRAMA among clan members will not be tolerated! We understand you'll have disagreements mid match and shit like that, but please lets not insult or talk bad about one another here. This is not High School and we are supposed to be a mature group so lets show that even when we are in lobbies and other people want to talk shit. I ask that you guys be better than that because that's not who we are.
I would like to close with again Thanking all of you for hard-work these past couple weeks, and that im excited to be able to go into Black Ops 3 with the group we have in place. Lets continue to kick ass and enjoy the ride Thank you all. Love you bye