Just so no one thinks I am flaking out because I don't respond to game invites, party invites when I'm online because more than likely that means either my son is watching Netflix or my mother, my son Rustyn, and myself are on Netflix or watching a movie. My Mom is coming up from Atlanta on short notice from like 2am Friday the 14th until late night the 20th and I'll have my son with me the whole time as well. Good thing is my Mom goes to bed early and Rustyn loves his Grandma so they will likely spend time together so I can play before everyone i already offline beating their little peckers to Anime.
We could end up leaving town for 2-3 days to go fishing or sightseeing as well, I have no clue. My Mom just kind of booked a flight up last minute and hasn't planned anything that I know of. She's going through a REALLY rough time right now so I'll be bending over backwards to make sure she has a good time.....obviously she wanted/needed a break from down there to fly up here last minute. Most people don't know a lot about me, but we lost my Father in late 2010....less than a year after he was diagnosed with ALS. It was a major blow to the fmily since we have always been close and he was the rock. So my Mom met a guy named Steve and they hit it off off immediately and he was welcomed into the family...attending my Sister's wedding and birth of her daughter my brother's wedding and was always there to help out with anything. I met him several times over the last 4 years and he was an amazing guy that fit in so well with everyone, never tried to be fatherly, and most importantly made my Mom so fucking happy-they had made their wedding plans, Retirement Plans, so Mom was set for the rest of her life. She had roughed it after losing my Dad, and had Steve to support her when her mother and then brother both passed a few months apart in 2014.
Steve was crushed to death in a freak work related accident a few weeks ago. Somehow some idiot knocked a dump truck over with a crane that fell off a 15 foot drop right on Steve. I don't know why I typed all of this, I guess maybe because a lot of people like Cheech, Toxic Bob, Stormy, Randy, and others that I have known for years I consider really great people and really great friends. CAG is a family so when one of us hurts, we all can feel the pain. I will do my best to get one and play but I don't know what state she is going to be in when she gets here. She might be in the let's hang out, have fun, stay local state or the Sad-Lonely-Just wants to be with her favorite kid and only grandkid she doesn't see daily. So thanks for reading this if you did, Chong you're also my friend so don't be jelly haha....just known the others for years. If I don't game then have fun and Leaders LEAD! I will be accessing the Forums, well the ones I can see anyways! PINK IS THE NEW BLACK!