Thank you Spray, Silent and kid for the hard work you put into getting these up and going. Can't wait trying to earn them with you guys
Discuss all general World of Tanks topics here
XBigDaddyCrushX (August 25th, 2015)
XBigDaddyCrushX (August 25th, 2015)
ArmyofWe (August 29th, 2015)
You misunderstand bro...
The requirement for both medals (fury and inglorious) is to earn the brothers in arms medal in game in either a 3 man or 5 man platoon
This needs to be clearly stated in the afore mentioned requirements as not to confuse members wishing to earn them
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
SprayAim (August 26th, 2015)
CAG SILENT (August 27th, 2015)
CAG SILENT (August 27th, 2015)
XBigDaddyCrushX (August 27th, 2015)
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