Okay so I am aiming this attention to higher people in the chain.

For our clan I had an idea of getting sponsorships for us so that we can gain popularity while at the same time giving companies popularities.

How I plan for us to do it is that if we can put up banners or links for people to find them and they do the same for us. Also if we have anyone that live streams or any of that have them give them shout outs. Kind of boost both ends, get them more to buy or whatever and they get us attention so we get more clan members.

• More popularity for the clan
• Possibilities of discounts (if it’s a company for example that sells controllers we could get some discounts prices off for sponsoring them)
• Promotion for them. Boost their popularity and business.

If someone could get back to me about it that would be awesome and we can talk about it.
Thank you for taking your time to read this and if you get back to me.