So I recently decided to start recording and hopefully stream live soon, but I haven't started yet. Thing is that my laptop's O.S. is Ubuntu and not many of the popular capture card devices can be use with it. But I found a way, I can record with a device called AVerMedia C285 Game Recorder. But unfortunately Ps3 has the HDCP protected for the HDMI but I found a way to bypass it as well, I can use an HDMI splitter. I wish I could use the Elagto but I can't. So for me I have to 3 cables, 1 to from the PS3 to the HDMI splitter, the 2nd goes from the splitter to the C285, then finally the 3rd goes from the C285 to the TV. Lucky for me the C285 can upload directly to YouTube via and Ethernet cable. Then live streaming I have a device called AVerMedia C875 Live Gamer Portable. Best thing about it that I can live stream without a PC. The C285 is for recording and the C875 is for live streaming so I can do either/or. The C285 actually have a built in editing software that lets you edit on the device itself, but it's not the best. I found a Ubuntu friendly video editing software called Cinelerra. I have yet to use it but it looks promising. If they are any other thing that I might need tell me.