The 1st Vegas kicked ass .... the way the weapons fired and the hit detection was just right on cue. The ability to also customize not only your weapons but your character was something none of these new games offer. You could equip your character with heavy ass armor but you made yourself much heavier and harder to move around. You could also make yourself very light by having no armor at all or very light armor as well. You could use boots that were silent or noisy. Rainbow Six Vegas was just a very well made game for the old Gen consoles.
The fact that neither COD or BF refuse to make a game or add those types of features and abilities to their games is just complete bs. When Ghost Recon: Future Soldier came out, Ubisoft once again showed why their games kicked ass in the past. Too bad that the servers sucked ass and we never got dedicated servers like the had promised, shit Rainbow Six Vegas had dedicated servers that is why you could make your own games and lobbies with your own rules and you never had a shortage of players joining your games. The rich search feature they had to find any type of game with any type of rules set was beyond what any game offers now.
SOB I miss Rainbow Six !!!!