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She's doing good ..she has a cold or the flu which I might be getting now after exchanging some bodily fluids lol ....but she is fine ...
If someone wants to run the facebook page for CAG let me know ... I can add people as admins so they can have fun with the page and run it ...don't ask me to give you admin for it and you don't follow through though ...
CAG JB (August 7th, 2015)
Well, if I survive the RECRUIT phase then I will gladly help with the Facebook Page. It will be used as what it is, a social media platform for getting people to the website. I know Facebook is a bitch and a lot of people hate it, but most people that grew up with it as kids love the damn thing and literally live their lives on there. Shit, look at the show Catfish from MTV....people will spend years with a person on there without meeting, fucking dumb yes, but it is the GREATEST Social Networking Platform ever and probably FOREVER. Twitter is huge, but so is Facebook and you can engage with people a lot more in-depth on it then via Tweets in my opinion.
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