Hi I'm reactiionzz, I'm super excited to hopefully join ur clan. I live in Australia and I am active nearly every single day. I don't have a mic right now but I am getting one in a week or 2 because I got to buy xbox live with it. I'm a bit nervous about the try out because I've never been in a clan that has done that before. I'm only 13 but don't hold my age against me usually I get about 30-40 kills and very few deaths. I also don't scream into the mic or rage (that much) but if I do I'll make sure to mute my mic. I have pre ordered black opes 3 and I'm super pumped for that. So yea u can check out some of my cod game clips on my profile just put my gt. So yea that's my into I hope to here some stuff about u guys and peace