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So everything is running smoothly just the platoon join up part is having issues. So I'm just waiting on that to be fixed. One it will sometimes work is if you join through profile only if the other person has the platoon open.
1st Lieutenant
Downloads at 27% in just under 1hr,my nets pretty fast but this is more painful than the first time I downloaded it
CAG SILENT (July 28th, 2015)
I played a few games with silent and spray and it seemed to be working pretty smooth. Just the joining part was a pain but if u change to the same server and join through profile/party it worked
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CAG Cookie (July 28th, 2015),CAG SILENT (July 28th, 2015),SprayAim (July 28th, 2015)
CAG SILENT (July 28th, 2015)
I'm halfway thru update
WHY is the Rum all gone???
CAG SILENT (July 28th, 2015)
Ok I'll see you hopefully if I'm not spending time with my FAM.
1st Lieutenant