Quote Originally Posted by CAG Beastmode View Post
I was on TS that night Lazarus, let's setup a firm date where we can get online and meet. I got my MIC for the PC in the mail from Amazon the other day so we can go ahead and green light any meetings.

Please post the time and date that best fits your guys personal schedules as I can accommodate it. Please keep in mind that I will be unavailable from August 14th-24th as I'm heading on a Cruise to Cozumel Mexico. I would prefer to have these interviews done prior to the 14th of August so that we can go ahead and get some sort of foundation setup prior to my departure.

Also, keep in mind. This interview process is for ANYONE willing and wanting to step up so don't be shy!


CAG Beastmode
Sorry about the late reply referring to the TS schedule I was slightly busy with some stuff. I can be on tonight but I found out that my Mic doesn't work right with my computer yet so I can only type. I get off from work at around 9:30 and I should and home around 10:30. I do want to schedule a date and I'll still interested in the role.